I'm looking for a case to hold my bowls in. I know they have those stands that you can display your bowls on but i was looking for more of a true case. I want the case so i can store my backup bowls. has anybody ever come accross something like this? "You don't haffi dread fi be a Rasta!" - Morgan Heritage
Google 'plano pistol case' I have a couple of the 4-pistol ones that have 2 layers of foam and they work pretty well. Sent from my MB886 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
was going to suggest gun cases as well. i frequent goodwills/second handd stores a lot and if youre lucky, sometimes you can get padded cases the size of briefcases, for verrry cheap. good luck!
PELICAN ALL DAYYYY! I got the 1200,1300, and 1400 on amazon for a steal all together. 120 for all three!