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I love weed.

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by catnamedmouse, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. I just started smoking regularly. I love it, but it's gotten to where i cannot eat, and i really wanna be hot for the beach this summer. right now I am 5'4 and 130 pounds. I want to lose 15-20. I want to be that skinny hot stoner chick. Any advice on how to not eat so much? also, how can i get focused while stoned. today i skipped class (uni) for no reason and smoked weed all day. :/
  2. Do something instead of sitting around.
    Personally I only get munchies when I'm really bored... but at the same time I don't gain weight like that.

    Have you actually been putting it on since you started smokin or just concerned it may happen?
  3. i feel like i have put on the pounds, because i eat and eat and eat. no joke. last night ate an entire pizza and tons of cookies by myself. :(

  4. A girl that can eat, I like it. I know it may sound like a load of shit but really put the idea of gaining weight out of your mind, it's only a problem if you make it one. I'm not saying be fat and like it I'm saying think skinny be skinny, think big be big.
  5. i try to. i've smoked weed some days and the thought of eating doesnt even cross my mind, because i am so busy doing house work and stuff (weird how i enjoy it when im stoned lol), and then other days i get so hungry i run to the gas station down the way from my house and get tons of junk food. i think i ate a whole big huge box of cap'n crunch peanut butter cereal today lol it was deeelicious. lol
  6. Go fruit and veggies for one week. Tons of water, less pot, more mental occupation. Abdominal workouts if you want, and in one week you'll be happy.

    There's my two cents.
  7. thanks! think i will try to spread my amount out more instead of just getting sttttoned, try to just stay relaxed all day by smoking in increments. clearing my house of bad foods. staying incredibly busy. how do i stay focused on school though? lol
  8. First off, the average stoner is less likely to be fat! :eek:

    Frequency Of Marijuana Use Associated With Lower Prevalence Of Obesity, Study Says (news – 2011) Frequency Of Marijuana Use Associated With Lower Prevalence Of Obesity, Study Says

    Smoking marijuana not linked to obesity: study (news – 2011)
    Smoking marijuana not linked to obesity: study

    Cannabis exposure associated with weight reduction and β-cell protection in an obese rat model. (abst – 2012) Cannabis exposure associated with weight reduc... [Phytomedicine. 2012] - PubMed - NCBI

    (I keep getting the mental picture of this stoned-looking, obese female rat in a fancy dress strutting down the catwalk! :laughing: lol)

    Second, it is more WHAT you are eating that is the problem, than the fact that you are eating!

    I want you to envision 10 "Wheat Thins" crackers. Not very much there, is there? A few bites. :cool:

    Those 10 little crackers have the same number of calories as a medium sized apple! And be honest, which will keep you full longer?

    Most Americans don't eat enough salads! But those commercial salad dressings pack in the calories, are loaded with preservatives and you can make better at home!

    OK, so how do you make an Italian dressing so it will help you lose weight? :confused_2:

    Hemp & GLA: Good Fat Burns Bad Fat (article - no date)
    Hemp & GLA: Good Fat Burns Bad Fat | Manitoba Harvest - Hemp Foods and Oils

    [FONT=&quot]Hemp seed oil is available at most health food stores and also online (shop around, prices vary a lot!)[/FONT][FONT=&quot].


    [FONT=&quot]Omega 3 Italian Salad Dressing [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]1/2 cup hemp seed oil [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]1/3 cup cider or red wine vinegar[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]1 teaspoon of garlic flakes [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]1/2 teaspoon of red pepper flakes[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]2 teaspoons dried Italian seasoning (or cannabis) [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]1/2 teaspoon sea salt[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]1/4 teaspoon fresh ground pepper [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Mix, shake well before using[/FONT][FONT=&quot]. [/FONT]

    Now getting that Omega 3 from hemp seed oil, flax seed oil or fish oil, will do more than "just" help you lose weight! That Omega 3 is vital to the health of your Endocannabinoid System (ECS). Part of the ECS, the CB 1 receptors, are responsible for getting you high on pot! :smoke: A healthy ECS means a better high! :yay:

    A good general rule in cleaning up your diet- Unless a pre-industrial age peasant somewhere in the world ate it, maybe you should think twice about eating it!

    Granny :wave:
  9. No one has addressed your question "how do I get focused while stoned"

    Not everybody can, especially if you're trying to focus on something you didn't really want to in the first place. I had to learn that weed doesn't affect me the way I wished it would. I understand you wanting to be that hot skinny stoner chick. I wanted to be that cool smart stoner dude, but I just don't have that symbiosis with herb that some people seem to. It's still hella fun to get high once in a while.
  10. Easy.. Stop smoking so damn much. Reward yourself with a role or two when you get exceed using or actually going to class
  11. You're in the same fog I was, thinking that your smoking habits are fine. Take a break, a long break, and take that time to change yourself. No weed for two months. During that time exercise hard at least every other day. Get a bike and use it to go anywhere you would go in a car. You may think riding 20-30 miles a day is a lot and at first you will be exhausted and hungry as fuck. This is good, especially if you've also just stopped smoking, it will keep you hungry and you will sleep most excellently. Also, you can eat lots more than you think if you eat good food. Lots of fruits and dark green veggies, good servings of fish and dense dark bread.

    You asked how to stay focused while stoned, well for me it's impossible. At least presently it is. I lack the self-control to smoke everyday and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Examine your life and if you have ever the slightest notion that weed is holding you back, quit smoking.
  12. #12 MrWeeds, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2012
    I ingest an avg of 6 grams a day, I walk 2 miles a day, and I eat like crazy. I smoke legally to minimize my pain, so I Can work.

    Anyhoo, certain strains will be better for you in the concentration area. If I know I am going to be doing a lot of paperwork, or something mundane, I smoke some Durban Poison, or Critical +
    They help me stay more focused than a Bubba Kush, or Grape God, those strains straight f*©k me up.

    Anyhoo again,

    When I get the munchies, I eat grapes, raspberries, carrots, apples, and oranges. Have you ever tasted an asian pear while stoned? It is an orgasm in your mouth. And a lot healthier than a bag of chips.

    I hope you find a good path for yourself.
  13. Seconding some previously-stated sentiments, but fruits and veggies taste awesome stoned. If you're concerned about health, get rid of all the crap in your house and buy a lot of produce, nut butters, whole wheat breads, sorbets, shit like that. Get your munchies planned out ahead of your sesh so you don't fuck up too badly.

    Also, I know this is not a viable option for a lot of people, but I've been vegan for like 2.5 months now and find that having one healthy diet makes me wayyyy less compulsive about food. Like, I don't think about it all the time any more or worry about eating healthfully because I'm already eating well... does that make sense? But yeah, I'd try replacing your current foods with some more delicious, more healthy (and unfortunately more expensive :( ) options!

  14. I'm sorry but i just have to say i find your posts really annoying, not trying to be disrespectful. But jesus, you always have huge visually unattractive walls of text talk about omega 3, it's fucking annoying. Omega isn't actually that good for you, yes it does have some small benifitial health effects but it's not some super life potion that helps with everything.

    just repeating i'm not being disrespectful, just speaking my mind.
  15. [quote name='"cronicdemonic"']

    I'm sorry but i just have to say i find your posts really annoying, not trying to be disrespectful. But jesus, you always have huge visually unattractive walls of text talk about omega 3, it's fucking annoying. Omega isn't actually that good for you, yes it does have some small benifitial health effects but it's not some super life potion that helps with everything.

    just repeating i'm not being disrespectful, just speaking my mind.[/quote]

    Saying its not.disrespectful doesnt make it not disrespectful

    Also everything she said is true. Omega 3 is an "essential nutrient" meaning we need it to be healthy.

    Parts of our brain and body are literally made of omega 3 and we dont synthesize it in our body. Hence "essential"

    So yea its not "healthy" its "required"

  16. Did you know if you don't eat enough healthy fats your testosterone drops? I make sure i get my healthy fats in my diet with things like organic extra virgin olive oil and avocado's and salmon :)

    How to Increase Testosterone Levels »
  17. [quote name='"cronicdemonic"']

    I'm sorry but i just have to say i find your posts really annoying, not trying to be disrespectful. But jesus, you always have huge visually unattractive walls of text talk about omega 3, it's fucking annoying. Omega isn't actually that good for you, yes it does have some small benifitial health effects but it's not some super life potion that helps with everything.

    just repeating i'm not being disrespectful, just speaking my mind.[/quote]

    Yo wooooooah man. This man needs another hiiiittttt!

    I always find granny's posts awesome! Full of really cool information

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