i laugh at everyone that uses a credit card to pay for everything

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by letsmokeasweet, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. today i went to the mall to buy some presents

    the credit card machines were slow, a transaction that usuley took a min, really took 5 mins
    i was in a long ass line, waiting, when the cashier asked who was paying with cash, there was probaly 15 people ahead of me, and everyone in front of me was paying with a credit card so i rised my hand and said i am
    and i got to cut ahead of everyone to pay :)
    and i went about my business while everyone else was left behind....waiting lol
  2. People who still pay with paper checks piss me off. I hate standin behind someone in line, they get told how much to pay, and i see them pull out a check book a quill pen and a bottle of ink. For real its 2012, get a damn debit card.
  3. Well when you have a wad of cash and a loaded credit card..... you win both ways :cool:
  4. Always good to have a little bit of cash.

    But I just can't carry enough cash. I would either carry a shitload too much, or I would be at the bank 3 times per day. It's stupid.

    Having all my charges go through a single card gives me a few big advantages:
    1 - Cashback. My Amex gives 3% cashback on everything
    2 - Cost tracking. I can easily how much I spend on groceries, gas, bars, etc. I can also tell how much I spend on weed because that's pretty much the only time I pull cash from the ATM :D
    3 - I don't have to count bills (or rely on the cashier to do it), and if there is a mistake it can be corrected and I get my money back, even if I don't find out about the mistake until a week later. If you get short-changed and don't notice right away, you're screwed.

    Yeah, sometimes the credit card machine is broken. And other times the cashier has no change. :p
  5. I use a debit card, fuck credit. But to me money is so much simpler to keep track of if it's in the bank. I rarely have over $50 in cash on me.
  6. Don't forget the people who use credit cards at the gas station to buy chips and a drink.

    Seriously man, bought the same thing and it took 1/3 of the time. They have to swipe their card, sign their name, blah blah blah.

    I guess i was just stoned and it seemed like forever. I don't like being majorly stoned and waiting in line with the gas station store lights beaming into my glossy eyes.

    Then i get looks from every women that comes in there, like they want to point at me and say look he's stoned!

    I swear man, people need to be way more friendly and less serious.

    I try and smile and be nice/funny and no one is the same way back! It's total bullshit man!
  7. yeah I have like 90% of my money in cash haha

    It's nice having a debit card in the event I don't have cash, but cash is way more convenient IMO. I can buy weed from a dealer with it, don't have a minimum (some places around me have a $5 minimum to use any kind of card), etc.

    Not to mention when I buy something with cash, I have to physically hand that money over which definitely helps to decrease spending. Also, if I'm getting food or whatever, I'll try to get stuff that minimizes the amount of coins I get but with the card I don't care. $0.50 everytime adds up quite a bit haha

    I bet as I get older though I'll transition to almost entirely plastic money
  8. if i have cash its all going to weed n munchies. fuck cash. its the devil.
  9. My dealer has intuit so I use my cards to buy most of the time and then when I forget I bought and I check my bank account and I see this random charge from my dude I crack up because I actually bought straight off an iPhone
  10. wut

  11. #11 Jumbo, Dec 26, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2012
    Main reasons why Credit/Debit card is better to use when you go shopping:

    1. Cashback bonus. Free money just for spending money? Why the fuck would you say no.... If you are money smart you pay off the bill with no interest... Profit.

    2. You can lose it. Id rather lose 10 credit card than 20 bucks.... Too easy to cancel the cards and get fraudulent charges taken off, there is basically no chance you get your cash back....

    Only thing i really use cash for is weed and small purchases at 7/11 and similar munchies food stores lol This is all i really buy actually, other than bills and online purchases. If i go to a store, im usually using cash that i have because i bring cash from my safe, planning to buy something.

    I almost never buy shit in stores anyways, its all about digital purchases and Amazon.com.....
  12. i'll be cashing my checks until i set up a new bank account. i'm still using the old one from high school. way too lazy to change it over to a college checking account and then set up direct deposit. i have a credit card, but my dad can only pay it off if i use it. still would be nice to establish some credit
  13. i usually pull around 200 bucks out of the atm at the beginning of the week and that's what i spend on food, weed and fun for the week.
    bills, gas and rent goes through my debit card.

    its kind of easier for me to budget when i can see what i'm spending.
  14. That made me lol so hard.
  15. Don't be hatin' on debit cards son, though I do admit I use cash way more often. They're pretty convenient for food and cigarettes though.
  16. Cash is the best
  17. i miss having a card. Made online purchases so much easier....

    Nice thing about cash is i know exactly what im spending, i dont ever have to stop and figure out my balance, its in my hand.
  18. i wont normally use a credit card unless i am spending over $100 as i dont like carrying more money then that
  19. My parents co-signed for me when I was 16 for a credit card. It had a 500 dollar limit with high interest around 16%. I remember buying a new grand theft auto and putting it on the card. After paying the minimum balance for 2 months I realized that I was never going to pay it off and that CC are the most irresponsible thing designed to make the user FAIL.
  20. after working in retail for 5+ years, especially in gas stations where you have many customers and have to get them out as fast as possible, that credit is just so much easier.

    I have dealt with much more problems with not having proper change for customers than I EVER have with CC machines being down.

    also, customers are just slow. "Oh, my coffe is $1.59, ok now that I heard that processed it for a bit, I will NOW get my wallet out. Ok let's open it, hmm is this a 5, no it's a$50, can't break that you know what I mean LOLOLOLOLOL. Ok here's a dollar (slams dollar on counter when I'm standing there with an outstretched hand waiting for money) , now the change (slams each coin down one at a time, even after seeing how I picked up the dollar, and now I'm struggling with each coin)."

    (as I'm ringing up items, customer scans CC, i finish scannign items)
    Me: Credit or debit
    Them: Credit
    Me: Ok, (5 seconds later) Have a good day, need a receipt
    Them: No, cya (leaves store)

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