I bought 3 grams yesterday, I just got home from work and smoked a bowl, the weather is so fucking hot too. So I smoked a bowl and decided I'd try and take a bigger hit than I normally do from my spoon. I managed to swallow about 1/4 of the hit, which was very large. I coughed quite a bit then drank some blue gatorade, which I swear by when blazing, it's so refreshing and smooth. Then I coughed a little big and a rather large cloud of smoke came from my mouth. Realizing what had happened I went to the fridge and drank three large mouthfuls of coca cola. Then I burped out a shitload of smoke. I'm extremely high this very moment.
It doesn't matter just don't try and swallow smoke all the time. It can cause stomach ulcers from what I hear.