I just lost my entire paper for Comp tomorrow.

Discussion in 'General' started by suburbantoker, Oct 11, 2007.

  1. The paper is due in eight hours, I had just spent the previous five working on it.

    Looks like I'm in for a late one. :mad::mad:

    My laptop just shut down. Like, the battery was low, but it said I still had half an hour left on it... WHAT THE FUCK :eek::mad::confused:
  2. damn man im sorry, that definantly blows. good luck with rewriting it g.

  3. The only thing that pisses me off, is now that I'm going to be more and more tired, I'm going to start making less and less sense. I have trouble with rambling as it is, but now it is going to be horrible.
  4. In those five hours you did not save it? If you are using Word it should auto save it every X minutes.

  5. No I didn't, I didn't really think much of it. I am so used to Word's autosave feature that I didn't even think about it, I however, am on a Mac, using Apple's shitty ass Microsoft Word clone which has barely any features.
  6. Use Neooffice for your word processor on mac dude. It is made by same open source community as OpenOffice and it most likely has every feature you need, as well as auto save.....=D www.neooffice.org
  7. I have to write a paper thats due before 11 tomorrow morning.. I know I won't write it if I set my alarm to wake up early.. so I think I'm screwed.
  8. Shit that sucks. If you are on a Mac save every paragraph. People like to think they are more stable, but I have seen no evidence of that. On a Windows XP machine I can run it for days and days without worrying about a crash, when ever I use Mac OS anything I crash constantly.
  9. Im sorry man


    That happend to my mom last night with a maniscript review for a medical journel, she was pissed.
  10. I used to catalogue my cactus (yes, I grow other plants!!) collection on a Microsoft database. After I lost the whole fucking lot for the third time, I invested in an old fashioned card index.

  11. How did you lose your database?
  12. ^prolly a standard bs windows crash. couldnt get back at anything on his hd. and suburban toker i hope your paper went well man, best of luck with that.

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