I just got an led, couple questions about it

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Potluck420, Apr 23, 2016.

  1. Hey everyone! I'm 3 weeks into flowering and I just received my led today, I've been using cfls up until this point. The led that I have has 2 switches, one for flowering and one for veg. My question is should I use both? I know the extra light couldn't hurt but I'm not sure if I'd be better off just using the spectrum that's for flowering.

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  2. What stage of growth are you in?
    If in veg use the veg switch.
    If in flower use both switches.

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  3. Im almost 4 weeks into flower. But thank you
    I wasn't sure if I should mix them or not. You think it'll be alright to use cfls too? I still have some left, might as well use em if I can

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  4. Yes. More light the better.

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  5. i just bought some safety glasses today to protect against the LED I picked up last weekend. apparently, the light is not great for your eyes long term.
  6. Thanks I assumed it would be, just wanted to check before I tried anything

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  7. I know right, they're super bright! It hurt my eyes a little after a couple of min

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