I have questions in regards to working out.

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by jizzledfreq, Jun 14, 2012.

  1. So let's start with what I'm working with and my goals. I'm 23 years old, 6'6", and roughly 250-260lbs. My goal is to drop down to 200lbs.

    Is this a reasonable goal? In high school I was 240 for all 4 years, only managing to drop down to 220 when I joined the football team senior year. My weight was always between 230-240 until I joined the Army and it dropped to 220 again. After I left I did nothing really except walking a few miles a few times a month, and going on long, intense bike rides in the heat, I've been on a few long hikes as well. I just lost my job working at a car wash 10 hours a day, which was very labor intensive.

    Is this too intense? I plan on using Deluxe Beach Body Workout videos, I've tried the 1st video and only managed to last all but 15 minutes :laughing: I quit because I couldn't breath (Wasn't hyperventilating though), was sweating profusely, and on the verge of vomiting, my limbs felt very shaky after for a short while. The next morning my whole entire body HURT and was very stiff, but it was a good hurt. Considering I was a smoker at a time I feel is the reason why this happened to me, I've since quit this terrible addiction and have been of it for quite some time now only having one every few months.

    Is dieting necessary? All the times I've dropped the weight I was never on a special diet and ate as I normally do. If it is what would be a good diet for someone my size?

    Are protein shakes/creatine necessary? I don't care to utilize any of these things as I'm not trying to bulk up, rather become more tone and gain more strength. I'd rather get my protein from my food such as eggs, chicken, tuna etc.

    Thanks all for taking the time to read and reply, looking forward to getting a good plan started so that I can stick to my work out.
  2. You need to diet. And you definitely do not need protein shakes or creatine.

    You should try getting your carbohydrates from foods other than bread, pasta, tortillas, etc...

    Read up on the differences between good carbs and bad carbs.

    And remember, just because a food is labeled "low fat" or "fat free" doesn't mean it won't make YOU fat.

    I lost some weight, and I did mostly running and swimming, with just a little bit of lifting.

    I don't know if you go out to eat a lot, but if you do, you shouldn't as much.
  3. hi,
    you should take care of the healthier food and the best workout to do.
    In the healthier food you can include the full of protein, carbohydrates, calcium, vitamins food. You can make your diet by distributing all the things per day. And for workouts you can do as much you can.
  4. Its better to get protein from food, shakes are typically supplementary.

    I would still take creatine though mayne!
  5. id say just watch what you eat, a little research might help but if you keep up with that video (assuming its cardio) then you will be fine.

    just remember that you aren't going to drop that weight over night or in a week or month. it will probably take a few months so dont get discouraged if you arent seeing results asap.

  6. I actually try to avoid foods that are labeled fat free, prefer whole milk to the 2%. I heard those can actually make you fatter since your body tries to make up for the amount of fat that isn't in these foods. I've been trying to cook my meals at home more, everytime I go somewhere like a taco bell, McDonalds, Chinese food, I've noticed that these foods really don't agree with my stomach, it just drains me.

    Yeah it's very intense cardio, exactly what I need too. I've been trying to drink more water lately and choose better snack/portion options.

    Thanks guys! I was worried nobody was gonna respond.

    Could you explain exactly what this is good for? On the bottles I read it helps your muscles recover faster and get bigger, but I've never really been too sure.
  7. I accidentally lost 20 lbs in the last two months and it's extremely easy. I cut out all junk food, soda, and beer. I eat a high protein diet with lots of fish, chicken, peanut butter, etc. As for drinks...strictly water and flavored water. Nothing else is beneficial. Eat all the meat you want as long as you work out at least 6 times a week. It's super easy.

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