i have pnuemonia, can i still smoke?

Discussion in 'General' started by Tekhnix, Jun 21, 2006.

  1. i have pnuemonia, and i smoked today, was this a bad idea or does it really matter?
  2. Not a good idea AT ALL. Pneumonia is a respiratory illness. This reminded me of those people you see at hospitals alternating hits between a cig and their oxygen tank. If anything, go with a vaporizer, but smoking while you have pneumonia sounds like a REALLY bad idea.
  3. I had it recently. I smoked every day while I had it. I found that it helped with the cough because THC actually opens up the airways and the lungs. It definitly helped with the cough and the overall crappy feeling, on the bad side however it did make my recovery take longer.
  4. Go ahead and smoke. With pneumonia it shouldn't be to bad.

    I had bronchitis once...boy would it have been a terrible idea to smoke then. I couldn't even run a block without coughing up mucus the whole way and throwing up from coughing so much.
  5. not a good idea, my friend who had it smoked, it made the pain go away, but it took twice as long for him to recover

    if you do smoke, don't do it everyday, sparingly with pnuemonia
  6. were.


  7. ....It's not a good idea to put any kind of smoke in your lungs when you have pneumonia.

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