I have dreams again!

Discussion in 'General' started by xericx, Sep 28, 2007.

  1. So for about the past 4 years of my life I have been stoned every day. Having maybe 10 dreams in that entire period.
    I have stopped smoking weed to focus on my studies, my memory was completely destroyed. I have been sober for 27 days now, and will be sober for the next 2 years and 11 months. Since I quit, I have had dreams every single night, and I remember them.
    I almost forgot how awesome it is to dream at night. Last night for example I had maybe 4 or 5 dreams, in just one sleep!
    Anyone else on a tolerance break experience this?
    I honestly dont know if I will ever smoke regularly as I used to, it seems to effect my memory more then others. But it got to a point where I would watch a movie and I wouldnt remember what I just watched, I coulnt discuss the movie with friends or anything it was brutal.
    I'm loving the sober life, and I dont know if ill be back.

  2. I just posted in another thread about this, but Ive found the same thing. The more I smoke, the less dreams i have, to a point where Im having no dreams at all.
    But lately I havent smoked very much at all, about once a week, and Ive been dreaming everynight.
  3. Yea I've realized that too, that dreams don't really happen when I'm gettin blazed all the time. I've been sober for about a week and I've had dreams everynight since. And everyday they become more vivid and more crazy than the last. Dreams are my love.
  4. I know what your saying bro. I love the sober life too, sometimes. On the other hand though, I love the inebriated lifestyle, so-to-speak. I go on bud binges for months at a time usually binge drink too. The last binge lasted for 8 months. Stoned eeeevery day. For most of the day. I quit for 3 months. Didnt smoke a single day..drank rarely. Im back now though.. been stoned for the past 3 days straight. I'll probably be on this binge for a few months again. Its good to take long breaks. Im telling you this though.. and remember these words. You WILL be back. You will smoke again in the near future. Stoners always go back to it at some point. I've never met anybody who used to be a "stoner" or "pothead" and quit cold turkey for the remainder of their lives.

    edit: its been weird around here lately. seems like were loosing a lot of people, respected members. to sobriety and other personal reasons, lol (no offense). im in for the long ride. its kinda rough around here right now though.
  5. I very very rarely dream sober or stoned, so it makes no difference for me. I do however have the same problem as you were I can't remember a movie I just saw. Usually only happens in a theater at home I remember everything.
  6. I've realized the exact same thing man. I haven't smoked at all in the past 2 weeks and starting 4 or 5 days ago i've been having dreams again. It's a nice change.
  7. i have had dreams lately. i am on a break too, i never made the connection. kudos.
  8. i fuckin love dreaming and i fuckin love my dreams...its like a second life...i remember every single one of my dreams...i just wish i had the power to continue my dreams.
  9. It really does'nt matter for me,weed or no weed,I dream all the time.

    I don't wanna scare people but I keep on having a dream of this chick with two lions,two out of three of those dreams there was a cautostraphic flood that killed billions of people.Here's the trippy part,two days ago my mom bought a picture with a chick with a Lion,concidence I think not.....
  10. sounds like its a good reason to quit for some people..smoking pot that is...jk..i guess. N E way i have been sober for 2 month and i had the most vivid dreams ever that where buetiful that i could never have had when i was smoking pot. Not just dreams came back but memory, smarts, socialising, and just felt like my brain was starting to become unclouded and free. But hey, im back to smoking after thinking i was done blzin almost for ever...I dont kno if i like it and or not n e more, i kynda feel like im starting to feel all those bad thing on my brain again like loss of dreams...so i think this coming up weekend is my last time smoking for a very very long time...Because being sober and feeling good and sucseeding in ur college education is more emportant eh?? loljk... it is for me. Ne way people stay smoking or stay sober, do things that make you better person and better in life, peace.
  11. When I first started smoking heavily I didn't dream at all. After a good 20+ day t break I've smoked non-stop for about the past two months. It's weird but I'll have crazy dreams several nights a week now.

    Especially if I sleep for an extra hour or so, I'll be dreaming like crazy through that period, I love it. :D
  12. speaking of catastrophic dreams...for the last 2 years I've been having "end of the world" types of dreams. weather it be by natural disasters or nuclear war, they are VERY realistic and fuckin frightning. About a month ago I had a dream where I've seen a nuclear missile come from above straight down in a distance, followed by a huge wall of fire coming towards me. its fuckin crazy. other times i'll have dreams where I get caught up in the middle of a huge storm that is world wide and I'm im the middle of a busy city and I see shit like planes dropping like flies, buildings getting destroyed, people fuckin swoop all around like rats, total fuckin chaos. i'll have me at least one of these dreams a week and i kind of like it. And on the reals, sometimes I wish i can just dream for ever and never wake up...especially when I have those freaky dreams where im bonin about 3 or 4 chicks.
  13. this might be kind of wierd, but I have these really, really vivid sex dreams lol like I'm fucking the most beautiful girl, having the best time and then it's over. when I wake up I remember everything like how the girl looked like, her hair color (memory can be fuzzy though)

    once I woke up and was like where she at? that's how real some of my dreams feel

    and about the end of the world thing, I've had those too and I still remember them. Like everything was blown up and then everyone who survived in the world got together in one spot, then a huge flood started (Noahs ark style)

    man some of my dreams are fucked up period!

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