I have a question.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by xSoFx, Dec 7, 2016.

  1. I have 3 plants growing in a closet. Possibly feminized plants, I mixed up a bunch of seeds and just picked the sprouts.

    Anyhow, I have one plant producing buds and a small amount of seeds. The other two plants have been in direct contact with this plant and have no signs of pollination. What is going on here? I picked a seed to confirm it was in fact a full grown seed.
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  2. Were they bag seed? or did you buy seeds?
    If they were bag seed then you probably have a Hermi.
  3. Its currently lights on , I can post pics when its off.
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  4. It could be bagseed or feminized, I am unsure as I tossed all my seeds together purchased and found. It grew into a beautiful plant and is only producing a minor amount of seed.

    It may have hermied but I never saw any pollen sacs. It's odd that the other plants haven't been affected in a month together.
  5. Hermi sir lol. Thats sucks id just start over. Usually plants hermi if they have been under alot of stress

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  6. What light you using?
  7. 600w HPS 10" from the tops. It's my 3rd grow, not too worried about a hermy.

    As stated though, why have the other plants continued producing flowers?
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  8. I'd remove it from your others, I've had a couple off herms, it'll produce pollen eventually
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  9. Oh s**t no pollen sacks. Hmmmm, i had an outdoor plant once produce about a pound and literally half that pound was seeds. I gave my buddy 2 grams to pick out seeds and it took him 4 hours

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  10. It was still ok weed. Wasn't the best though so you could have the same situation

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  11. Go for it!

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