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I have a drug test tomorrow and 3 at home tests say I'm negative when I don't think they should.

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by DeliciousObligation, Dec 19, 2019.

  1. #1 DeliciousObligation, Dec 19, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2019
    My test is tomorrow at Labcorp. I'm not sure what their cutoff point is but I believe it's 50 ng.

    For reference, I am 23, Female, 5'8, and 129 lbs. I would say I have a fairly high metabolism and eat clean, but I do not work out regularly. I also have hyperhydrosis, which means I sweat a lot more than the average person. I'm not sure if that plays a role in this.

    I used to smoke nearly every day after class/work, normally about 1-2 bowls worth. The week before Thanksgiving, I got a batch of edibles and consumed 600 mg over the course of two weeks in addition to smoking. When I realized the job I was after became available, I immediately stopped smoking. I've only been clean for 9 days.

    I was offered the job early but was not expecting to hear back from them until January so I thought I would have more time to clean out my system.

    I planned on using dehydrated urine and subbing but decided to go ahead and take some at home tests and see where I stand and so I can get an idea of how long it would take me to get clean in the future.

    The tests I used were these that measure 50 ng and I'm not sure how reliable they are. I took three, collected mid stream, and all were negative.

    I don't think I would be negative, considering I smoked a lot, had edibles, and haven't been clean for that long.

    Should I still go with subbing or are these tests trustworthy? Does anyone know what ng Labcorp measures?
  2. hard to say, I've had negative tests within 21 days and positive tests after 60 days of no use. It all depends on the labs now. Some labs can test to a quarter of the 50ng/ml. Hard to say really. Maybe try the expensive tests, they seem to be more accurate.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  3. Update: I took two more of the same test this morning using my first pee and both said negative.

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