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I have a dream!

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by wakenbake4200, Oct 1, 2008.

  1. #1 wakenbake4200, Oct 1, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2008
    I have a dream that one day on the GREEN hills of America the weed tokers and smokers,blunt chiefers and bong rippers and the sons of former law enforcement will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood.

    I have a dream that one day in the country of America, this unjust government will stop spending countless dollars on marijuana prohibition and use that money for change, whether it be to stop murderers or put and end to global warming!

    I have a dream that my offspring will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged for smoking a plant, but by the confinement of their character.

    I have a dream today.

    I have a dream that one day valleys upon valleys and fields upon fields will grow free with marijuana, and as this plant spreads through America, so will love.

    And as we sit here today, united by this forum, we can change this shit, this is our country, and this is our time!

    stand up for your rights....:metal:
  2. you know.....i didn't actually think that was going to be pretty good when i first started reading. nice.

    +rep for expression.
  3. :) it would definitely be awesome to have hills & fields freely sprouting marijuana plants
  4. ^^ Exactly! and thats the way it should be, this is our planet not the governments!
  5. you high mothafucka
  6. - Rep
    Stop imitating Martin Luther King
  7. this...
  8. hhahahahahhahahahhahahahaaahahhahahhahahahhahahahaaahahhahahhahahahhahahahaaahahhahahhahahahhahahahaaahahhahahhahahahhahahahaaahahhahahhahahahhahahahaaahahhahahhahahahhahahahaaahahhahahhahahahhahahahaaahahhahahhahahahhahahahaaahahhahahhahahahhahahahaaahahhahahhahahahhahahahaaahahhahahhahahahhahahahaaahahhahahhahahahhahahahaaahahhahahhahahahhahahahaaahahhahahhahahahhahahahaaahahhahahhahahahhahahahaaahahhahahhahahahhahahahaaahahhahahhahahahhahahahaaahahhahahhahahahhahahahaaahahhahahhahahahhahahahaaahahhahahhahahahhahahahaaahahhahahhahahahhahahahaaahahha
  9. Nice Dream Speech man.... Hope it becomes decriminalized some year soon.
  10. Ill imitate who i please bitch!

    Too bad weed probably wont be legalized anytime soon! one of my favorite quotes is "if voting changed anything it would be illegal"
  11. -rep YO MOMMA!

    Attached Files:

  12. The world is my expense
    The cost of my desire
    Jesus blessed me with its future
    And I protect it with fire
    So raise your fists
    And march around
    Just don't take what you need
    I'll jail and bury those committed
    And smother the rest in greed
    Crawl with me into tomorrow
    Or I'll drag you to your grave
    I'm deep inside your children
    They'll betray you in my name
  13. Lol stfu

    nice post OP
  14. damn bro. i gotta say i cant wait till that world is here hopefully soon!
  15. i have a dream of a mini lux but dreams DO cost money! :(

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