I hate...

Discussion in 'General' started by Borstal, Mar 3, 2009.

  1. Friends who text all the fucking time. I have this one buddy of mine who even if he is hanging out with me alone or with a group of us he is always constantly texting... you know I love technology and how far its come but we gotta start to realise how it is impacting our generation. Anyone else have a friend who is always constantly texting someone? its really annoying to have a conversation with them and then they whip out their cellphone and are afk in their own world for a bit.

    brb getting high lolol
  2. Yes. I have a buddy who just got one of those phones that have the full key board, and now it seems like he's on the thing CONSTANTLY. Oh man....then it's even worse when we're blazin cuz then it takes him deeper into his texting world. But whatever though...if I'm high, I'm happy.

  3. I must admit that I am a text whore but that's really only because my girlfriend is always texting me. And I am not the one to ignore her messages. However I would never start texting if I was in a social situation where I was in the middle of a conversation with someone but if you are just cruising in the car with a couple buddys i'll often be on the phone
  4. I used to be that way, but now I can't stand it. Somehow I still manage to run my text up in the thousands... a lot of it is more so on the other end. Like when someone texts you "Hey, I'm bored... whatsup?" Then you proceed to call them, after it goes to voicemail they text you back "Sorry dude, I'm driving/eating/sleeping/having sex/etc." If you're so busy, wtf are you texting me telling me your bored?!

    Our generation is getting too lazy to have a simple conversation outside predictive text. :mad: :eek: :confused:
  5. yeah i hate it when ppl do that. When ppl message me just to ask whats up i usually ignore it.

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