I HATE poser rednecks

Discussion in 'General' started by Nathan, Sep 27, 2009.

  1. #1 Nathan, Sep 27, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2009
    So I'm in WI which is the northest of the north and a group of people I know think it's cool to be a redneck now. Early last year they were fine but now they just annoy the hell out of me. Last year when I was in school a few guys started wearing camouflage clothes and hunting boots to school. Then they got about 5 more people to start doing shit like that. They would wear muddy pants and shoes everyday, Nascar hats, got some girls to wear plaid and cowboy hats.

    This one guy has a HUGE truck with the loudest muffler I have ever heard. It's just the worst. I still see these fuckers around too. I'm taking a break from school for a few reasons but next year I will be attending university. Guess what these punks do now that they're done with school? They work at a farm. Wtf? Soon they'll start faking southern accents now I bet. I have no problem with real southerners but these people just piss me off.
    /end rant

    Anyone know anyone like this?
  2. wow a poser redneck? what is the world coming to now?
  3. ....Where I used to live, there where people who where just like that, because their parents where like that, and their parents parents where like that.... Some people don't dress like you, get over it.
  4. I think he's talking about people who act "normal" for there whole life and then see Larry the Cable Guy and become a redneck, this happened a bunch of times where I live.
  5. I feel, ya. It's one thing when it is who you are (nothing wrong with that), but when people try to do it just to be "cool" it's really sad. I just laugh at the idiots and carry on with my day.

  6. No there parents are not like that, I have met them. They didn't start doing this untill about January last year.
  7. its probably just a phase.
  8. Better than those damn trustafarians! :p

    I havent ran into many wannabe rednecks where I live but we have a small greaser scene. They don't seem to bad though.
  9. Ahaha, what the fuck? Who willingly takes a giant leap backwards in the evolutionary scale? Really?
  10. LMao +rep
  11. Shocking, teenagers going through phases.

    How would you like them to act?

  12. The way they did used to.
  13. I hate a lot of people. Luckily I never get fucked with though :cool:

  14. Exactly.
  15. Come down to Edgerton. That is 70% of the population...

  16. I feel bad for you.
  17. why would one "pose" as a redneck... as if its a cool thing:confused:
  18. Poser rednecks.. WOWWWW
  19. i truly dont understand why someone would choose to be or pretend to be such a lowlife douchebag. i fuckin cannot stand hicks

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