I hate it when this happens

Discussion in 'General' started by HighFoSho, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. http://www.chron.com/news/us/article/Firecracker-blast-blows-off-driver-s-hand-in-Wash-5176116.php#photo-5776379
    Kind of goofy how they call an M-1000 a "firecracker".... but I guess its like how a bunch of people in the South call every different soda, a "coke"......
    Same thing happened a few years ago in Nor CA, but the explosive fell back ion the drivers lap, and blew one of his balls off ! Ouch !
    Anyway, fucked the Jeep up pretty good too, huh ?
    Does anybody want to give that guy a hand ?


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