I had a fight last night...with a man

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by LauraJadeth, Nov 7, 2008.

  1. Dude, if a chick hits you for no reason your cool with that? I'm not talking about a pussy smack i'm talking HITS you.
  2. A few years ago this girl punched my fiance in the face. He restrained her, but didn't hit her. I have no problem with that at all, stopped himself getting hurt further and stopped himself hitting her. If she hits you for no reason then she's a bitch, straight up. But be the bigger person and don't hit her back. Simple as.
  3. #43 Diceman, Nov 7, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2008

    Not gonna lie...I would feel a fist to the face no matter whos fist it was. Man or woman. If a chick hit me though I wouldnt act butt hurt like it effected me and turn it into a situation. If I was actually wrong (like the dude who jacked bud) then the right thing to do would be give it back and leave. I probably wouldnt give it back cause just bein honest here...if I still weed from someone then I dont respect them enough to give it back...id tell them fuck you. If a girl straight up clocked me though then yea id laugh and go home lol she reaches in my pocket I grab her wrist and pull it out of my pocket.

    Im not sayin I would stand there and be a punching bag...but I wouldnt see it as a position to defend myself either...no reason to tackle or hit her when I can prevent what shes doing to me without hurting her.

    Girls werent built for fighting. Thin necks and wrists...small hands..just look at our builds. Men can take some damage. Id feel like shit if I hurt one.

    If you really feel the need to defend yourself against a girl then ok...you feel threatend then thats fine. I just dont see it happening unless shes got a gun or my balls in her hand like laura lol

    Laura please never hurt a mans balls though...grabbing and using as leverage is understandable but dont actually pop or break them...thats just cruel lol
  4. kid sounds like a douche. Balls are fair game if a dude attacks a girl imo. good job :D

  5. tt: 1 sems: 0

  6. Rules of the game: First one to 1 wins
  7. lmao, im gonna +rep for making it a competition im not gonna play in.
  8. Gender equality is limited to things the govt can regulate, like jobs or rentals. Buying weed or getting into fights doesn't have anything to do with gender equality. Too bad you weren't able to get your buds back without resorting to violence. You're not going to win every fight you get into; I hope the next one you lose is worth it.
  9. This is fucking badass, good for you. My girl would have done the exact same thing.
  10. [​IMG]

    I never said I was a thug, nor am I one. I posted this thread because I couldn't believe the complete asshole-ness of this guy. I willingly give him some of my weed, beer, and cigarettes and he steals off me and won't give my weed back? Then he pushes me and tackles me into a wall?

    I'm not the type of person to stand around and let people push me around. If you think I'm a thug, that's fine. I don't know you and will probably never meet you so your opinion doesn't effect me. The point of this thread wasn't to show off or go all e-thug on everyone's ass. Just saying.
  11. hmmmmm thats a jackass move somekind. Jackasses deserve neg rep more

    No matter what the cause is..someones always gotta hate
  12. I don't understand why people are arguing about how "two wrongs don't make a right".

    Shit, it doesn't matter. Someone stole her weed. It's not "right" to let them get away with it. Stealing is stealing, that shit doesn't fly.

    Thankfully, justice was served.
  13. Ya Just wondering what the other guys in the house were thinking. If I was there and saw him tackle you or any other girl for that matter...... well lets just say someone is heading to the hospital (Im 6foot 6 300 pounds) that combo can do some serious damage. You stuck up for yourself, great job. And I love the fact that you stole his ciggs too lol.
  14. Damn girl, so sorry. I was reading the thread and thinking about that the whole time (thinking you were pregnant.)

    Shady actions by that dude. The nerve to make up some lame ass story so he could pinch your bag! Especially when you and your friend were being good hosts. I just don't understand the human psyche sometimes. Be careful to avoid that dude. The humiliation he's likely to feel will set off some sorta rage. You've already witnessed a small sample of what he's capable of. Watch your back now. Violence always complicates things. I know I would have had a hard time holding back too.
  15. good story but the balls part made me scared for my own now
    i hope no1 ever does that to me
  16. #56 smokeandmirrors, Nov 7, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2008

    LOL - yeah right - dude are you being like this just to be confrontational - it's quite obvious that Laura had an argument with the guy about him stealing her bud - when he wouldnt give it back she took appropriate action

    and to be honest having LJ rummage around in my pockets would be quite nice

    and, fella, there's no excuse to punch a girl - restrain her maybe if the need arises - but straight punch her in the face - neg rep right there for your woman beating ass

    BTTT - well done LJ - good for you - i'll bet that douche wouldnt have nicked a teenth off a bloke and then told him to fuck off when he asked for it back +rep right there

    by the way what do your friends think about all this - I know it would have caused a right kerfuffle in my circle?

  17. I wanna live where yall do so I can say kerfuffle :(
  18. #58 smokeandmirrors, Nov 7, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2008
    why cant I rep this guy who's a woman beater??

    there's no button to leave rep

    *edit* ah he's been banned - that's prolly why!
  19. dunno man but theres a private message he sent me, said in it

    "chill homie, a bitch steps outta line" and all this bullshit.
    hes lucky he doesn't live in Australia, we hospitalize
    people for hitting women, i seen a bloke slap a chick (i wasn't involved)
    and he wasn't able to walk for 4 months, but you get what you deserve.

  20. Girl Power!
    Damn girl nice job.


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