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I get higher when I smoke than when I vape

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by jjassonn, Oct 23, 2011.

  1. #1 jjassonn, Oct 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2011
    At first I thought the difference was due to my tolerance to smoking being much lower since I've been vaping and smoking at about a 7:1 ratio. For awhile. But then that ratio slowly became 5:, then 4:1, and now I've smoked I think 6 of the last 7 times. And even despite the decreasing ratio, smoking has still kicked vaping out of the park.

    I use about twice as much weed when I smoke, but vaping is about twice as efficient, so the actual weed in take should be roughly on par. And I use my MFLB correctly: I take low temp hits for the first few, then increase the temp each time. I vape my weed until it's dark brown.

    I can get really high with a vape, especially body high, but even then it's about on par at best with the body high from smoking in intensity, and it's more mellow and less pleasurable. I also zone out to a far greater extent from smoking.

    But when I smoke music sounds significantly better, food tastes significantly better, taking a shower, etc. Everything is better smoking. Not only is it more intense, but its of a slightly different subjective quality, which I think I prefer in itself.

    Also, I can reach level 10 on the universal highness chart very easily after smoking.... not so much after vaping, even decent sized amounts at high temps.

    So I'm just wondering if this is true of false for most people.
  2. Smoking will always have a more potent effect than vaping, because when you burn plant matter, you're taking in cannabinoids that would normally be left behind when vaporizing the plant matter.
  3. #3 jjassonn, Oct 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2011
    And this make sense. But I see many people on here claim that they get a lot higher from vaping. Even 'new levels' of highness.

    Is this because they were smoking .3 per session out of a bong prior to vaping, and then once they started vaping, they kept the amount the same (despite the fact that vaping is twice as a efficient)?

    Even if they might partially explain in it, it my case I would still get higher (..well, maybe just as high) on .3 bong compared to .3 vaping.
  4. the smoking high lasts longer than the vape high imo
  5. well, when you're vaping, you're not getting carbon monoxide, that could be one reason.

    Vaping when done right, fucks your whole game up.
  6. how do you vape correctly? i vape at high temps besides the first few at relatively low temps, and i hold my hits in for a decently long time; much longer than when i smoke
  7. I've vaped quite a bit... still seems to be the shittiest method of smoking. Not saying it is shitty people...just that it IS the shittiest... for me.
  8. little bit of misinformation in this thread. smoking wont always be more potent. it just feels more potent because it hits you much faster and those cbd/cbns take longer to get to when vaping.

    what kind of vape do you have op?

    Having a quality vape means everything when vaping.
  9. This and vaping it properly, do not burn it.
  10. more opinions?
  11. Its known as the law of vapingreallyisntthatgreat
  12. #12 DBV, Oct 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2011
    Your lungs are broken? Vaping, when done correctly, will get you far more wrecked off much less. Plus you don't have to feel the 100's of poisonous chemicals in smoke affecting your high. This is the main difference. Vapes are more pure unadulterated cannabis highs.

    What kind of vape are you using? MFLB? If you have a whip vape, try hooking it up to a bong. It should get you to the point that you can't move.

    btw, notice that vapes take about 10 minutes to fully kick in, while smoke has much less cannabinoids/volume so it's rather instant.
  13. I love vaping, and I've reached very fucked up levels. Vapin gets you real heady high for me at least, and smoking is more of a ridiculous zone out body high. I like mixing them
  14. vape dome rock, i have a 5ft bag, its like 3bowls+ worth of hits imo.
    I get a good 3-4 bags from like .4 packed. It gets me higher forsure, but i rarely use it over the bong.
  15. Hey OP: I just now realised you said you used MFLB in OP. I have one of these and they are probably one of the least efficient vapes out there.. they're convenient if you prefer vape over smoke, but I think you'll see the big difference if you try a higher quality home vape.

  16. such as the DBV ;)
  17. i was reading but then realized im soo mindfucked right now
  18. #18 paramite, Oct 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2011
    Yeah, I'm high on my MFLB right now, but smoking gets me way higher. Nothing beats a massive bong rip. The vape is just super convenient, doesn't smell, and really saves money. I like both, it just depends on what's going on. I also smoke my vaped weed, which alright when mixed with a bit of fresh.
  19. Nothing has ever gotten me more high than the DBV does everytime.. :smoking:
  20. my iolite gets me absolutely slaughtered, nowhere near what smoking could ever get me, as someone already said... vaping is more of a true cannabis high...

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