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I fucking love resin

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Mogwai, Aug 7, 2011.

  1. I cleaned my pipe just the other day and smoked the resin in it. Surprisingly although I got about 2 full bowls worth, I was only moderately high. Now, a few days later, I re-cleaned it just because it sorta looked like I missed some. Got about a bowls worth, smoked it, and I'm fucking gone. When I came to start this thread I actually went to my user CP and thought "wait, what the fuck is this?" before realizing what I had done.

    I know a lot of you guys don't like resin because it seems "dirty" or the smoke is too harsh. Some people say it doesn't get them high, but I don't understand how. Anyway, I'm not wanting this to be another argument about whether it's worth smoking or not, I'm just wondering if anybody else is like me in that they love resorting to resin when the time calls (either they're out of weed, the pieces desperately needs cleaning, or you're just randomly in a mood for it)?

    Furthermore, it seems like some pieces catch resin a lot more than others. The top of my friends old bong downstem built crazy resin super fast and was real easy to clean. My spoon seems to build a little faster than other pieces. How quickly does your pieces collect resin?
  2. [ame=]‪Resin - The Supervillains‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
  3. Resin is awesome. It's a weed salad mixed of the many different strains the average person ends up smoking in their bowl. How is that not cool?
  4. Haha i thought the title said i fucking love Russia and i was like WHOOOOOW but it's resin :D
  5. Yea I tend to stay away from the resin. It looks too much like ash to me.

    And I like my bowl to be sparkly clean before a new session.
  6. resin is the nastiest and worst thing ever..... WHY WOULD YOU SMOKE IT
  7. I have a few pipes that i've only ever smoked the most dank of dank in, and i'll hit those up here and there when i'm desperate.

    The thing that turns me off of it though is the amount of tar that your lungs are inhaling.. Each time you take a fat resin hit it's probably equivalent to smoking ten cigarettes.
  8. i fuking love the supervilllians
  9. Yes sir I'll agree with you when the time calls and as the supervillans sing it the best in there song resin " I know what to do when Mary is gone , is Hook up with her available friend, resin
  10. If you have enough, resin can be an absolute lifesaver.

    My buddy and I were wondering what the hell to do one day. We were both out and no money to get some. So, we decided to go rent Avatar and watch it. After we put in the DVD, my buddy decided to scrape our bowls to see what he could get. He was doing his thing and I was zoned in on the movie. After about 15 minutes, I look over and he's got a marble-sized ball of resin formed and he was still getting more. We were smoking that shit for over an hour (one of the best qualities of resin, it lasts forfuckingever). By the end of the flick, it was like we were watching it in 3D at the theatre. :)

    Bud is certainly better when given the choice, but for those dire situations, resin can be your savior for the day.
  11. If I have no bud and I really want to smoke then ill smoke res. It can get you high as fuck off only a little bit but it tastes horrible! My pipe collects res fairly quickly...

    Once when I was really desperate I scraped my socket that I used to make steam rollers and gravity bongs. It had fat res on both ends... res was even on the outside edges. So I scraped it the best I could and got about a bowl and I was good :D

  12. Because it gets you very high and isn't the nastiest and worst thing ever, that might have something to do with OP's decision on smoking weed in a different form.
  13. Resin usually gets me higher than weed. I don't care if it tastes bad, I don't smoke for the taste.

    Do you drink shots because they taste good? No, you do it because it fucks you up
  14. I'm 100% sure that there are tons of threads on resin and the responses on all those threads are just about the same. 1/3 of the people say "I love smoking resin! It gets me so baked!" another 1/3 say "I only smoke resin when I'm all out of weed" and another 1/3 say "Eww~! Resin is gross~ And It doesn't get me high, I got to smoke 10 blunts to the head of Kush to get high, blah blah blah"

    All I'm saying is, why didn't you use the search ?? You have enough rep OP to know that there is a search:laughing: Oh well, with all that said, I'm part of that 1/3 that says "I love smoking resin! It gets me so baked!" :D
  15. I fucking love it. It's perfect for when you're dry.
  16. Resin is just the built up toxins and tar from the smoke. Very miniscule amounts of THC.. why do you think the "high" only lasts 15-20 minutes? And I have a question. Are the people smoking resin the same people claiming they aren't addicted to weed? Just some things to think about..

    Your body is a sacred temple you depend on to get you through this life. You should really reconsider what your ingesting into it..
  17. #17 Waffles67, Aug 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Not that I particularly enjoy alcohol, but Patrón is tastyyyyy haha. Ive never smoked resin, but I typically vape and I don't find collecting the resin it gathers worth the effort, but im flying out to college here in a few days and since I'll be shipping everything out there im gonna scrape my metal pipe so it can ship without any issues.
  18. I wrote this thread a lot longer than 15-20 minutes ago (over an hour ago?) and I'm still pretty fucking high. About to smoke some more too. I don't know how it could just have "miniscule amounts on THC".

    I never said I was or wasn't addicted to weed.. And I don't see that as relevant. The harm a single bowl of resin does to you is still relatively low overall and isn't going to do you much harm. Nobody sits around smoking bowls of resin day after fucking day. My body is a sacred temple, sure. But the high that resin gives me makes my body feel pretty good, so it's worth the trade off
  19. #19 DBV, Aug 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2011
    I'm not trying to judge you or anyone else my friend.. just trying to say you should consider the future when deciding whether to willing ingest such dense amounts of toxins into your body. If escaping reality in the present moment is more important than your health in the future, it is your choice.

    BTW, Mogwai is good shit! :D
  20. im sooooo fucking blazed right now. smoked a full bowl from all the resin i could get in my pipe. holy shit im high have fun

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