I found my perfect diet. . .weed

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Stiffler1470, Jul 1, 2009.

  1. So, this summer i tried to make it a habit to get into shape and lose some weight and build some muscle. I used to weigh 175 lbs. I started to work out and i lost a little bit of weight, but more muscle. But when i started smoking weed almost daily, i was blessed with no munchies. When i smoke, i can eat but im not hungry. I've gone days in which i only ate breakfast and weed kept me full. Then, after about 2 weeks, i weigh 167 lbs but with some muscle. I was told that weed increases your heart rate in thus can burn calories. If i dont eat, my matebolism is just kept high with weed and working out. So, have i found my perfect diet?
  2. No, by not eating you're losing more muscle than fat. Eat right and exercise and you can lose almost all fat, otherwise you're just starving yourself, even if it doesn't seem like it.
  3. No, the thing is that i am also exercising. I got to the gym every other morning and do cardio and wight lifting. On those days, i drink my protein shake and smoke and wont eat anything for the rest of the day basically. Im not saying that i eat one meal a day but i eat a lot less. I basically cut my calorie intake by 1/3.
  4. It doesn't matter if you're exercising or not, you're still starving yourself. A protein shake is not enough nutrition for your body to function in a healthy manner for a day. Eating no more than 500 calories below your body's maitanence will lose weight the fastest and by making sure you get enough protein (1gram/pound body weight every day) and proper amount of carbs/fat you can ensure you are losing almost all fat and no muscle.

    By starving yourself you ARE losing a lot of muscle, I don't care if you don't think you are or not.

    Your body needs food. Food does not make you fat or gain weight, over eating shitty food does. Eat lots of healthy, clean (non processed, natural) food to keep yourself healthy.
  5. you gotta nourish the body my friend, its just the basics.

    that doesnt mean you have to indulge yourself in a steak and lobster buffet, but make sure your body is satisfied and not constantly craving some grub
  6. hey guys. i have the same problem. i wouldnt say problem but i almost never get hit with the munchies when smoking. i always include weed into my diet. :smoke: i also eat intensely however, being a fullback Im constantly stuffing my face

    my workout consists of intense weightlifting with a lot of good food afterward. i had a question for you guys, is it a good idea to take creatine supplements? i have a lot of friends who use them to get bigger, but i havnt noticed any changes in their size. plus i can still lift much more then them.
  7. Creatine just retains water in the muscle so it looks bigger. To me, its not worth it because it won't make you stronger, just look stronger.
  8. ive heard that before. thats why these guys still suck at lifting. thanks bro

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