i figured something out

Discussion in 'General' started by superstoner3, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. people who know me can say im a pot addict. if i dont have pot i will freak.

    however when i look at my symptoms they dont run like regular marijuana withdrawal,

    long story short, i have high blood pressure 165/90 when im sober and regular when im high130/70. pretty much pot is a high BP bandaid for me, so when it wears off i start freaking out.

    i just found out i had high blood pressure and i used the machine i bought when both high and sober. the sober numbers are scary but high it looks normal. so when i been going to the DR. high, he read it as normal numbers.
  2. Sounds like you started too young and became dependent on marijuana
  3. started in college at 18, and no i eat like shit, i hate fruits and veggies

  4. there you go. It ain't weed. you got high pressure because you eat like shit.
    and if you appear to people "pot addicted" and think you are you need a change of attitude

  5. I see that a lot and pretty common with freshman in college especially, they go from not smoking to smoking a lot and eating shitty dorm food etc that isn't good for you. Start eating healthier and you will be fine
  6. well im saying i found out its not the pot, its my diet.
  7. Right but doesn't the pot also lower your bp
  8. Pot lowers bloodpressure yes.
  9. which is why i would have panic attacks when i didnt smoke, cause high bp makes you feel like shit.

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