I Figured Out Why Weed Is Illegal

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by hoast, Aug 5, 2005.

  1. I think weed is probably not legal because people didnt like it back then which may sound crazy but listen.. like if tobbaco and liqour are something you can like chill alone without outside things but like way back then, they didnt have music or good enogh music, or tv's, or anything cool when it was invented so they figured it was a useless drug because they didnt appreciate the lifestyle that they had like just chillin and relaxing outside, because they're used to it but now we're all advanced and shit and we kinda take being outsite in nature is like wierd we like take nature for granted, we over powerd it with like technology and now its fun to take a trip back to when it was invented!
  2. This is why I think weed is illegal...It is so mainstream that nobody could get a hold of it to put any tax on it or anything. There is no way the government could control something like weed, and if they did, they would fucking ruin it. Weed is classified, under law, as a hallucinogen, I mean, what the fuck is that? They don't even have a classification to put it under.
  3. i've only hallucinated once off weed god that was an amazing night

    i think legalization would kinda ruin part of the thrill of weed.
  4. The real reason it was made illegal was to legally discriminate against the mexicans way back in the day. - From the documentary "Grass - The History of Marijuana"
  5. you think?? you think??

    obviously you haven't thought too much. would it be more thrilling if booze was illegal?
    save your pennies and take a trip to amsterdam. walk into a coffee shop and you will find NO BIGGER THRILL than asking the person behind the counter for a gram of fucking green ass buds.

    that, my friend, is a thrill in and of itself.

    you think...that's a laugh.
  6. check out the movie "Grass"...
  7. Weed being legal would take NOTHING away from me gettin high. It wouldnt have less thrills... i would fuckin smoke MORE then i do now and prolly have 20 X's as much fun.

    Weed will never be completely legal in the US, no way. I wish, but no way
  8. Why don't we just fight for decriminalization? I mean, that's all we really need right?

  9. ya, id rather decriminalization over legalization, fuck regulation of the herb. The reason i think weed is illegal is this, america was founded by a bunch of wealthy, white, racist landowners. They have pased down all thier inheritences to future generations, so america i more than not, owned by big business and by all the pepole who founded this nation. The main reason it was made illegal was so that they could keep all the mexicans from coming in to the US illegally. Because the mexicans started it all, then the jazz movement came, then everyone hated blacks...and all the blacks were smokin pot at jazz clubs so there you go, another prime oportunity to have even more people hate the herb, because they hate blacks. The sole reason for its illegality is this, Arrogance of the rich white man. They make it illegal because they can,and they can profit from it on one way or another.
  10. Um Grass was more satimentary (satire documentary or news report/ect) so I doubt every single thing said was 100% true. It never claims to be and the cutesy way in which they switch from era to era isn't all that serious in nature...

    But no the only reason it has stayed illegal is that people are stupid they listen to government bullshit and stuck to their guns. Even if some political parteis are cool about it they get shot down by the anti-drug ones and their minions.

    Top that off with the governments NEED to tax people to hell to make thinks worse then they need to be (canadian drug bull anyone?) so it seems that by making pot legal they'd be handing people they key to helping themselves.

    Studies have shown if ingested safely MJ is actually GOOD for you! The seeds have tons of protine in 'em the thc itself has been shown to stop memory loss in the elderly it's even 'reset' cancer cells in lab rats so tumors simply stopped growing and went away slowly as the body lost dead mutated cells..if you could bottle thc in an inhaler theres asthma down the tubes. Same for people with uber expensive tumors to remove (else they can't even walk right sans tumor pressing on motor skill part of brain)...government and doctors..even insurence don't want you curing yourself with a plant that takes fuck all to actually grow do they?
  11. I have thought of it like that, but not to that extent, that's really interesting.
  12. ya, people fail to recognize that everything is controlled by money and power. People with power can only do so much, people with money can only do so much. Problem is, we have so many wealthy WEALTHY people in office who have nearly unlimited power, and lots and lots of money. So what do these people do with thier spare time? Make hell for everyone, why? because they can. I think its just disgusting. Some of the things ive read about these people. Like the bush family. They are a bunch of fuckin douchebags, i mean fuck. They get away with everything. Just do a search for, freemasons in a association with the bush family...lots of really creepy shit. This group, the freemasons, are basically, an underground socioty; thats not so underground, that has a hand in everything associated with the US...They basically own the USA...im serious too. its fucked up, see how money, power and arrogance can go to someones head?
  13. I'm glad you said that the reason i came about from my biology/charcter leadership teacher was: this is a conversation in class one day.

    Teacher:Do you beleive maurjina(sorry cant spell) should be illegal?
    Studenst: mixed answers
    Teacher: Well I think it should be b.c the this is the story of it being illegal Back in world war two a lot of american men went off to europe to fight the war that left no one to work in the factory sure many women applied but not enough so the government stretched to mexico for cheap labor so tons of mexicans came to america to work in the factories. When the men came back from WWII all the jobs were taken by all the mexicans so the government had to step in in order to try to get more mexicans back across the border the illegilized pot.

    That is what I have always thought it to be illegal in america. My friends and I have also came up with this thought.
    It is still Illegal today b/c the if the government would legalizze it they would sell it and tax it like a bitch this would lead to more ppl to grow plants on there own b.c its legal to do so. Thus the government would make no money so why make it legal?
  14. Hemp is the miracle plant of the future. :cool:

  15. Easily...

    Oil? Don't need it when weed grows about 4 times a year if you do indoor/greenhouse and it's always renewable. The oils from it will run a compression engine better then any gas guzzler now. Toss in battery an solar and you got one sweet car :)

    Paper/clothing - renewable! Who doesn't like hempware? lol

    Food - Seeds are actually damn good... good shit

    Meds - ahhhh *takes a hit* yeah...no need to explain this.....
  16. I totally agree man but you also have to blame the big drug companies to the govt makes money off the drug companies they get kick backs off of each other to keep themselves in the lifestyle theyve grown accostomed to so the drug companies make more drugs only the govt says as long as u have a prescription for this certain drug you can have it the only problem with that is all the drs are prescribing the same dam drug to everyone so everys gettin high but this high can kill ya http://www.brandonvedas.com i dont know anyone who has died from smoking weed but i know people in real life that has died takin prescribed pills if you read it go to internet info and read the two logs
  17. "Teacher: Well I think it should be b.c the this is the story of it being illegal Back in world war two a lot of american men went off to europe to fight the war that left no one to work in the factory sure many women applied but not enough so the government stretched to mexico for cheap labor so tons of mexicans came to america to work in the factories. When the men came back from WWII all the jobs were taken by all the mexicans so the government had to step in in order to try to get more mexicans back across the border the illegilized pot."

    criminalization in the US preceded WWII by 2 years (crim-1937, wwii-1939)
    this theory is shot down

    true reason is that paper companies and drug companies would go out of business.. i explained this in another thread..

  18. Dude friend of my family died cause she took one of those herbal diet pills (not even 'over the counter' as none of those pills were fda approved to cure anything what so ever) based on some reaction bloodpressure wise with a pill her doc gave her. Pretty much something popped in her head...nasty way to go.

    How many potheads have died from smoking up? Wait...doesn't it lower your blood pressure? If memory serves it does so she probably wouldn't have died had she been toking and wolfing those stupid ass diet pills down. Strike up another one for 'person freaked out on fda approved pills' mixed or otherwise.
  19. exactly what i am saying but the more drugs they can come up with the more drs will prescribe them because of the chain reaction they can cause for example say the dr gives ur a blood pressure pill but a side effect of it is say you go to the bathroom to often so he then prescribes another pill to offset the side effect from the blood pressure pill can u see where im goin with this so the more drugs they make the more side effects there are so that have to keep makin more to offset those side effects and its only gonna continue until people start waking up to the truth about the drug companies and the govt go hand in hand without one there wouldnt be the other

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