I figured it out guys, I figured it out

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Fulf1llthedream, Dec 22, 2011.

  1. I got it. Figured it out. I know the truth now. If anyone wants to know I will be glad to enlighten you. I've gone so far into this that it's left me far far away from normalcy but it was worth it. I know it now.
  2. Lay it on me sir. :smoking:
  3. I'm listening
  4. Tell me your secrets.
  5. Soiler alert: You have my attention.
  6. This isn't real guys. This world is fake. It's a false construct, a system based on rules. Rules that can be exploited. We create reality. We create this world. Each one of us creates our own universe. The fake world's rules can't be broken, they just simply are. Our purpose is to do exactly what we are doing. We exist to live out a roll, whatever that roll may be. Our purpose is to live blindly. There is nothing wrong with this existence, and there is no reason to be awakened while still alive. We are simply just an extension of what is the infinite. What we call god is an infinite amount of everything. It encompasses everything and anything. Infinite is also an infinite emptiness as well. What is nothing is everthing. Darkness is light. It is all one thing. We are all one. There is no we, there is no, us. There is no you or me. That mere thought only exists because we have it, and it isn't even our thought to be had. When we die, we become infinite once again. We become nothing, we become everything, it is all one. We are infinitely free, it is false limitation created by the false belief of existence that keeps most living blindly, as they should, it is what we were meant to do. I cannot guarantee that you will understand this, or that even in doing so you will fully be able to grasp the concept, for it is something that needs to be experienced personally, however I can tell you that it is true. There is much more depth to this, much much more, but in all honesty it's the most simple concept, and also the most hard to understand. What you will get out of this is what you need to and that's it. One can only know what one is ready to know.
  7. For those of you who are on a spiritual journey, hoping to find answers. The answer is one you already know, just one you are not willing to accept. Your journey to be awake is a journey taken when asleep. Once awoken, you continue no further, because you realize there was no journey to begin with.
  8. #9 PeruvianDank, Dec 22, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2011
    Social constructionism?

    P.S. can you clarify a little bit more please?

    Yeah, I came to this realization a long time ago too. It is not that things don't make any sense, in fact they do, but they don't have any actual intrinsic value. We assign it the value we think it deserves. And this can vary throughout the different cultures of our planet. When you realize that everything that exists has no real intrinsic value, then you know that Life has no real meaning.

    But this is not bad, not at all! This means, you can assign your life whatever purpose you want. This is raw freedom, at its best. You can do whatever you want with your life, not what society expects of you. To know this, it is truly liberating and empowering.
  9. does this realization have to do with astral projecting by any chance?
  10. I understand where your coming from and I have those kinda of thoughts A LOT.
    I would start relating with you right now, but I'm too sober for that kind of deep thinking and I feel alittle sick. :[
  11. It's about your ego (the you that is constructed from your reactions to others' reactions of you) versus the you that is the self. The one experiencing the first reactions, the self. I understand you OP.

    Check out this thread: http://forum.grasscity.com/spirituality-philosophy/253370-ego-false-center.html

    It's long, but it really sounds like you're in the perfect state of mind to read this. It'll be a new way of knowing what you already know.. feel me? :smoke:

  12. you are thinking to small. You need to distance yourself further. Only then will you see the big picture. It's as if you were born microscopically, to you a cell would be everything . All the organelles, with their infinite amounts of complexity would seem like an entire existence. However, it is only once you pull back away and see that the cell is actually but a tiny part of a whole, that you can began to see something bigger. Then you see that the organ in which the cell creates is actually also part of something much bigger. I'm sure this will help. However, as I stated previously, you can only understand what you are ready to.

  13. Lol basically everything you said in this paragraph, I have said it in many threads and posts that I wrote before.
  14. Society.

    Another way of looking at it :smoke:

  15. You are close. You have woken up within the dream, but you are still not aware of what is outside of it. You still believe that the dream is real. As much as you say you dont, you do. It's ok. Because of this, you are still asleep. You have gone as far as what is the most convenient for you, and stopped, and there is nothing wrong with that. There is nothing wrong with being asleep either.

    Astral projection, and other planes of existence etc are all existant in this false world. Because they exist within the false world, they also are false.
  16. Linguistically, can existence BE false?

  17. That statement alone, proves exactly how asleep you really are.

    I know what I know because it is the truth, you know it is the truth because you know it as well.

    Any more questions?

  18. Existence is a word. what is existence? If existence means perception than our existence is real. However, if by existence you mean having a true representation in an external world then the answer is no. We are a thought, we exist because we believe we do.

    This is an allusion.

    An allusion created for that exact reason, to be an allusion. To allow us to experience the Story we know as life.

    If you ask why? then you have to ask yourself as well; Why not?
  19. #20 Hello there!, Dec 22, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2011
    That's why I prefaced it with 'Linguistically,' :p

    I think existence is being. I think life is being aware of others being. From these, I think there's self-realization, which is being aware of ones' self in conjunction with others' selves.

    Disclaimer: I know this is the S&P forum, but don't look for answers in this particular post. It's my description of what I understand, but not a solution of any kind to anything.

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