I feel so alone....

Discussion in 'General' started by GimmieMore, Aug 17, 2008.

  1. It feels good to be able to relate to other people that feel alone/ other than a few friends I really dont have much and my friends dont even live in my area. :(

    weed always helps tho;)

  2. Ahh....

    okay, I can see that. I'm glad I didn't say all the horrible, sarcastic things I was going to say in that post......

    As you can probably tell from the original post, I've been on edge lately.
  3. hahah when its a girl the word *attention* is never in a post.

    im not saying you need attention, i truely been through a lot of momments like this but come on life is too short so dont waste time being depressed cause you know your going to feel better no matter what remember the people that love you.
  4. Wow you ok now? Really though, remember all the other times you felt like this? And then you get over it and realize you just wasted days or even months feeling like a pile of shit? I think we all can relate and we're all sure that you'll be ok, just don't let whatever it is screw your life up because it will get better. I'd love to sit down and smoke a doob and share a story or two with you but I doubt that's feasible, so just remember for what it's worth we got your back.
  5. Yeah, I'm somewhat okay.

    My meds ran out... so that and those "that time of the month" hormones aren't getting along.

    These episodes are coming more and more frequently and it couldn't come at a worse time. This is a time I need my bipolar to be in check so I can focus on getting my shit together. And I can't afford to get the help I need for it right now either.

    This is just shitty.

    But I'm okay for now.

    Thanks guys.

  6. If you're looking for a string of words to ease how you feel you've come to the wrong place. What you need is to sit directly across from someone that has your best interests in mind, that isn't to say that the City doesn't, but look at some of the responses so far. If you digest what you're feeling in emotional terms alone I think you'll miss an opportunity to learn and to move beyond this point. For all of the pain we feel there is its antithesis as well. There still is joy in the world. There still is sensuous pleasure here where we live, remember there still is love.

    The degree to which we suffer is never an indication of what life has to offer as a whole. The pain we feel is a part of it, but there are so many other parts.

    "Hope, deceitful as it is, serves at least to lead us to the end of our lives by an agreeable route."

    ~François Duc de La Rochefoucauld~

    Stay forever green.
  7. Reading what you write is a blissful experience.

    Thats all I can say at this point.
  8. Thank you and I believe what I say.
  9. I can feel that in your writing.

    Its an amazing feeling. In a world of people who have totally destroyed language as it existed...... its nice to find someone who can express themselves sometimes....
  10. You should invest in some boxing gloves and a punching bag :metal:
  11. i don't grow weed.

    and i rarely talk to my friends about it.

    i just find that there are far too many uptight, stupid people in the world and i'd rather not deal with them.
  12. #52 gord420, Aug 19, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2008
    oh yea
  13. now thats a damn lie and you know it. there is always something, the best thing in life is life

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