I dont know what to do. I literally cant function without weed in my system. I just seem to understand social ettiquette more and can read people's intentions more clearly when high. I've been watching Lie To Me and I think I can see through people's facades, I tend to try and read their facial expressions and vocal inflections pretty well and man does this world seem fucked up. Please I just want to know if any of you have the same weird experience, reading into peoples behavior too much. Am I losing my mind or is it just an effect of the cannabis?
Reading into a TV show's characters isn't losing your mind. That's just you being baked watching TV. That's the calling card of a good actor; being emotional, while holding it in, letting the viewer 'read' their subtle ques. However, these ques are often less subtle than in real life. Go interact with people.
Sorry for the confusion but I meant to say I tend to read real peoples behavior as fake, some people just have these weird looks [facial expressions] and vibes to them man, its hard to explain.
yeah i think your just realising alot of the people around you are fake, im going through the same thing
Well, not everyone is a liar. You could be just so high you're projecting your feelings on others and just thinking they're lying to you. Don't try to read into people too much. Unless you're good friends with them, it's pretty pointless.
Nah. I feel as im extremely socially adept in the sense that I can understand the subconscious(or conscious) intentions that they express. I am not boasting, and definitaly not the only person with this skill.You say that using this skill, or over analyzing in a sense is pointless. I find this to be very untrue as a lot of strangers will try and take advantage of you. Such as dealers, or even homeless people.
I'm like you, when I'm around someone enough, I can practically read there minds, really. All of my good friends that i'm with most days, always tell me to stop reading their minds, it's crazy. I love psychology, It's almost as though through emotions and body language you can see right through a person
I think you misunderstood what I meant, brotha. I understand how some people can just really pick up what another person is feeling/thinking.. But what I'm trying to get across is you shouldn't have to do it with every single person you meet.. It's a waste of energy, and that's why it's pointless. You learn when you're a kid to not trust or talk to strangers, so for you to have to break down the way some one is acting in order to realize this person is dangerous or that you can't trust them, you're lacking in skill.. Not having some special skill. Instincts should have taken over and told you right away. Also, what I mean too is that you could just be wrong in the way you're thinking about that person you're analyzing.. If you don't know that person fully you could never understand anything about the way they act and react.. Or why their personality is the way it is.. Ya know? All these thoughts are just what YOU think. That's why it's pointless to do this with people you don't know. We're way to complicated for you to just think you know how some one acts without knowing a thing about them. IMO, you should be focusing on yourself and the ones you love.. and only the positives. right choice. right view. right mind. EDIT: I'm just trying to get OP to understand the world is a fucked up place but it's also a wonderful place. It is what you make it. After reading the posters message it seems like he doesn't like this. So I for sure think he's thinking into this way too much when he is high. Cause I for sure don't think he's losing his mind, like he said
yea when i'm at parties stoned, i see people differently. i can see all the guys trying to hit on every hot chick they see and the chicks that act drunk or the ones that crave attention guys who act like douchebags just make me laugh so yea i dont go to parties stoned anymore lol.
It is incredibly rare to meet a person who displays their true self. For the most part you only interact with a stranger. And no matter how much you think you know about the individual just by "reading" them. Believe it or not your not the only human capable of using their brain.
I was feeling something similar to this before.... I wouldn't say I'm adept at social situations but damn. Smoking for days and days on end when you're NOT in a comfortable setting will mess you up for a little bit. but I doubt you're having the same problem..... So uhhhhhh I don't know bro. Lay off the weed for a little while. It's perfectly normal to be sober you know?
Thanks for making me see Im not alone. I actually want to study psychology because reading peoples facial expressions, voices and body language is so fascinating, but when Im high it gets amplified, its almost as if I can see why people do what they do just by listening to what they are saying. And one thing I dont understand is why people want to be secretive when they are practically open books for me, and they always get angry when I manipulate them using some Derren Brown shit ;D [I wonder why? ]
I think you are just using your brain. You are looking deeper than what you see, hear and observe in people. Like others have said, you are realizing how incrediably fake people are these days. You are looking behind their facade that the put on for the world. You are seeing their true and and real intentions- sometimes its quite shocking when you are so used to not focusing on these things. You are NOT losing your mind, I personally think you are finding it. Most people barely do any thinking for themselves and just accept everything. You are looking so much deeper, that is a good thing!
Why you getting paranoid about it? You can all those stuff without weed too. The weed helped you filter the fakeness in people. Be proud, no everybody achieves this.
HOMELESS PEOPLE WTF, thats something I would like to keep to myself. I just cant imagine a homeless guy taking *advantage* of me. ;D And the other comment about actors giving subtle cues and those cues being harder to find in real life, that is so wrong, people are so unaware of what their 'giving' away and even if they are aware you can easily catch them out, you just have to think ahead. And thinking about it, this is actually a burden, because there's no off switch, wish there was though.