I feel like I just almost died

Discussion in 'General' started by Hashbrownies, Mar 4, 2006.

  1. I was trying to sleep like a minute ago (literally) and I started to drift off then I began to hear this...eerily relaxing noise, kind of like rain/an incorrect tv channel, I was kinda uncomfortable, so I decided to like roll over, or adjust myself or something, and I couldn't, I tried to move, and I couldn't move at all, I tried to yell "mom!" (still living with the fam) but I couldn't, for about 15 second I was totally helpless, I was so fucking scared.

    You think I just dreamt it up, or what?


    EDIT: After it ended, my extremeties felt tingly, if that makes any difference.
  2. shit dude that just made me laugh im so high hahaha hahahahhaa:smoking: :smoking:
  3. Could be sleep paralysis. Its where you are awake, yet not fully out of your dream state yet. Kinda weird.
  4. Thanks man, I think that was it, I looked it up, and it fits the description, freaky shit, thanks again +rep.
  5. i remember one time i was asleep in school and i was dreamin that i was in school layin down, basically 100% accurate to what was goin on at that moment and i had a dmt flashback, like a flashback from the first time i did it and felt like i was gonna die, everything was buzzin real loud n i wanted to jump up or scream help or somethin n i couldnt do anything, then i finally wokeup n i was sweaty as fuck

    i should get some more dmt, that shit was wild
  6. Heh, glad you figured it out cause that was a pretty crazy story. I can't imagine the feeling of not being able to move. I've gotten messed up enough that moving is extremely hard but never impossible.
  7. my friend's mom was telling me that one time she laid down for a nap and she woke up and a demon creature was floating above her just inches away from her body. she was paralyzed and couldn't breathe. she invoked the name of jesus and than it dissapeared.
  8. ^^ wierd..
    but yea that sounds like sleep parlyisis or however you spell that
  9. Dude , it was crazy, last night, I went to bed and I fell asleep!!!! :eek::eek:

    ok.. im bored , sorry

  10. yeah thats exactly what it is, when your in a deep sleep you cant move at all..nor can you speak. Ive done this several times...fucked up to be completely conceous yet paralyzed huh
  11. You all should check out the thread on lucid dreaming, sleep parlysis is the easiest way to enter a lucid dream. All you have to do is learn not to be afraid when it happens, Since you are completly mentally awake you can start to controll the hallucinations (like the demon floating above the bed). Also I just read a study not to long ago that stated 70% of allien abduction stories can be explained by sleep paralysis. It's very common for people to think they see either an allien or demon in the corner of the room, at the foot of the bed or even sitting on your chest.
  12. lol wtf
  13. What he was talking about in the first post is typical of sleep paralysis, it's when you are dreaming then wake up. But allot of people have the experience where they feel they are awake but can't move (sleep paralysis). Bassically what happens is your brain is awake but your body is still asleep which can cause extreem fear which leads to hallucinations. It's very common to hear strange things like people talking in distorted voices or even to have intense visual hallucinations. The most common thing reported by people experiencing this is to see some one standing in the corner, usually a demon, ghost, somthing paranormal. Many people have reported feeling like somthing was sitting on their chest making it hard to breath.

    But once you realize what's going on, and with a little practice you can start to controll the hallucinations which will throw you into a lucid dream (lucid dreaming is an extreemly intense dream like state which you can controll) Many people also call this astral projection because for many it feels like they are litterally leaving their body and traveling around.

    I know I'm bad at explaining it so here are some links on it incase any one is interested.

  14. I've gotten these types of dreams since I was really young. I used to have recurring dreams where I'd be wandering around my house or a short distance outside, and sometimes I'd wake up without being able to move. It really used to scare the hell out of me. Eventually I got used to it, the dreams stopped being so similar and I realized I could have a lot of fun. Dreaming is still one of my favorite trips, had a great one last night.
  15. I actually developed a pretty severe case of this. Well actually, it was this combined with sleep apnea. I love weed don't get me wrong, but I attribute weed to developing this. It usually only happen if I go to sleep real stoned out or if I've been smoking blunt after blunt during the day

    Sleep apnea is when I stop breathing in my sleep. I'll realize this and break out of it. Its's pretty scary shit, and can kill you if left untreated

    Sleep paralysis. I've never had a full blown attack of this, but when I stop breathing I usually realize it, but have no control over my body so I attribute it to this. Either way I want to go to a sleep doctor during spring break to check it out...

    One doctor said it could be anxiety related, and caused by panic attacks. Which is a valid description.

    Sleep paralysis has been attributed to people who think they've seen aliens. I hope to god I never have a full blown sleep paralysis moment.
  16. I dont know if this is sleep paralysis but along time ago like 3 years Ive woken up a few times not being able to move and felt like i was shaking and had to really pry my eye musles to open my eyes and it would go away in like 5 seconds , it happened like 3 times

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