(Sorry if this offends any of you women on here but I have to know) Why, in the name of all that is great, do girls/women say they want a nice man who'll treat them good, then they turn around and go right back out with the same asshole who treated them like pure shit/cheated? Am I missing something here? Am I going loony? Is it just me fellas? /rant
100% agree, from my experience no matter what girls say they want in the end its the most confident person who gets the girls. Girls like confidence.
Nice guys finish last, sorry bud. Next time make yourself less available, most girls want what they can't have.
As a girl who has known and lived with other girls, I can confidently say that I have never known a girl who isn't completely ridiculous. Basically what I'm saying is...
that's the truth. i'm kinda the same way, though. i've chased girls that were, lets say unavailable, and when they become available, i just kinda lose interest. it isn't intentional, it's just the way it is for some people. luckily i've grown out of that.
Too many guys interpret what girls say the wrong way. When they say they want a "nice guy", they don't mean they want a pushover who will do anything and everything they say. Once a girl has you on her leash, she'll lose interest and dump you. Girls DO like nice guys...but too many nice guys are doormats. Most girls want a guy with confidence, isn't needy, and doesn't allow himself to get stepped on. But that's what a lot of self-proclaimed nice guys are. So guess who has the confidence and non-neediness that they want and don't get in "nice" guys? Assholes and jerks, and that's who they go to. Then that's when you get the crying and complaining about their asshole boyfriends. And the nice guy is crying too because he doesn't get what he did wrong. Both genders are naive, in my honest opinion.
I get the whole confidence thing which I do have and I'm not a pushover but the guys I'm talking about are just straight up dicks. I refuse to ever tell a girl that she doesn't matter and shit like that. I definitely won't ever cheat on a girl either. Even if the girl deserves it in both situations.
most assholes are confident. or act it. confidence in life = success. get used to it. start working out and develop some skills to get your confidence up.