I demand we ban knifes in America.

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Thunder Struck, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. ^This. I can't believe anyone, especially people at this website, would think that prohibition of anything actually prevents people from getting it if they want it.
  2. I guess OP has never tried to cut a steak using just a fork
  3. how would i cut my steak or spread peanut butter or get a slice of watermelon or carve a pumpkin the list goes on and on
  4. Dunno why but I imagined a dude sitting at a table, shooting through a steak with an M4 just to slice the thing in half :p

  5. Teaching nonviolence wont do anything because you cant instill morals into other people.
  6. If knives got banned, I would cut my fingernails so that they were pointy.

    People would wish knives weren't banned after I scratched them to hell!
  7. My question is if guns were outlawed where would the criminals get them? Where do criminals get them now? (Ammu-nation)

  8. I see what you did there.

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