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I cant believe that worked..

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Marrijane420, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. #1 Marrijane420, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    Unfortunetly i am bone dry for bud and was in need when i got home so i looked for roaches. Once i found about 3 tiny roaches i unraveled them to get to that sweet herb:hello: it was enough for about a bowl so i put it in a pile ready to be smoked, and i got up to use the washroom. On my way out of my room i suddenly realized it was waaay too hot in my house so i turned on the fan in my room but forgot about the pile.. and well you know what happened next. Bud went flying around the room, up, down, sideways. Whatever direction you can think of, my bud went that way. So instead of looking under my bed and on my sheets and shit i decided to go into my bud blender to see if theres any crystal/bud and all that was in there was a thick line of crystal on the side but not enough to put in a bowl so, i sat down and thought of ways to consume the crystal and BAM! It hit me, Marijuana Milk! I ran to my kitchen, looked in the fridge and found some 1% milk which is probably the worst choice for it.. hahah. Anyway, i put a little bit of milk in my blender and blended for about 30 seconds and then poured the crystally milk into a pan on the stove set on medium and waited for it too boil. I then popped it in the freezer for 10 minutes just to let it cool off then i gulped it down straight. FUCKING disgusting lol!! I wasnt expecting it too work at ALL! but when i was in my room watching TV it hit mee.. so now im just chillin:smoke:
    Sorry for the long ass story but i thought i should share it.
    PS: I know you need more bud and fatter milk to make it properly but i didnt have that:rolleyes:
  2. Cool story bro. No, seriously. I enjoyed that.
  3. congrats for the innovation on your missions to get high :)
  4. nice was this kief or something haha
  5. about how much crystals did u use.
  6. That is awesome, I never would've thought of that. Sucks it didn't taste good :p
  7. Yeah, i used kief haha and honestly i have no idea how much i used could be anywhere from .1 to .3 very little.
  8. Hahah dude, i just read your sig and laughed so hard:smoke:
  9. Are you sure it worked or was it just psychological?
  10. WORD

    never even new you could do that

  11. I am a hundred percent positive it worked, i got a pretty strong head high somewhat vivid CEV's and I had some pain in my back all day and 30 minutes later no pain whatsoever:smoke:
  12. Well that's awesome. Indians call it "bhang".
  13. It may just be that I'm high, but i seriously lol so hard everytime I see this pic. Lmao hahahahahha
  14. i really want to try this now
  15. me 2 either want it ,

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