I am really bored right now. Would anyone like to ask Santa any questions?

Discussion in 'General' started by sandaclaus, Sep 28, 2011.

  1. Ah yes, another attempt to figure out how kickstart the Santa Movement. When I first started posting on GC, I probably was a troll. I didn't really care what you had to say, (you were stoners, same as me, but still stoners) and just wanted to entertain ( a hit and run type thing).

    During my time here, I have seen a lot of changing, in the way you feel about me, and the way I feel about you. I guess what I am trying to say is if I can change, and if you can change, then everybody can change!!
  2. Who are you gunna give the money to? The money you collect that is.
  3. Great question. The truth is, I don't think I am qualified to say. The only thing I know is that I discovered a way to transfer a good portion of the money spent on everything Santa to the charities. In all honesty, I think the public will decide.

    For instance, one of my ideas involves SantaCon, the bar crawl in December. This happens in almost every city throughout the world. There is an easy way to turn this into a day of giving. For every beer a Santa or MRs Claus buys, .50 cents will go to charity. It would be a win/win, and keeping in the line of Santa's theme. I mean, Santa only drinks charity beers. LOL!! With this idea, it would be the establishment that picks the charity. For the crawlers, they would be introduced to different charities, and might possibly stay at one place, depending on the deals and the charity involved.

    This is just one idea I would like to see get done. As far as the money that I collect. I first started out when I was homeless, and refused all money. I just walked outside dressed like Santa, and the smiles were intoxicating. For those first three years, that was my focus, and then I made the discovery in Aruba involving the available charity money.

    If possible, I would love to have my self interests protected. Whether it be through profits from merchandise ( I want to promote healthy Santa, and a popular campaign would require all new stuff) or selling my story, I want to work and not get screwed. When it comes to money, I want to give more than I receive. We will see what happens.
  4. santa can i have an ounce for christmas ?
  5. Santa is a public image, which means the marijuana community has every right to use Santa as anyone else. By starting a campaign where the image is used correctly, a person could help raise a lot of money for some causes, as well as bring in some good money for themselves...

    So, to answer your question. Yes, Santa can get you that ounce for Christmas. It just depends on how good you want to be.
  6. wait.... you're actually intelligent ? I'm not being sarcastic, a lot of people who make random threads are usually burnt out teenage minds. YOU on the other hand have a head on top of your shoulders.

    im sorry haha it seems so random, but any old blade on here will know where i am coming from. You have a lot to give good sir, and the brain of yours has plenty of ideas and ambition to do great things.

    stick around here, post A LOT, become a common member of the city. We need more people like you and less of the hooha.

    time to get big santa

    im sorry i never noticed you before, Get an avatar and a sig. IF you need one to be made for you. Im your guy
  7. LOL!! This has to be one of the funniest responses to something I have written. And yes, I have a brain. I have developed SAnta Economics, a type of theory that could help turn Santa into a tool for charity, and win him the Nobel Peace Prize.

    And I am sticking around. Many people, especially recently, have kind of confirmed I am the real deal, and would love to get the SAnta Claus Movement started in GC. Just another dynamic I want to bring to GC.
  8. I want to answer this question another way. Yeah, Santa is a public image, and I want to try to let others decide where the money goes, but would like to have some say.

    I started out as an Epilepsy advocate, and it was threw this work that I was able to form the theory of Santa Economics. But I would like to see Santa money used on education. A few years ago, I remember watching 20/20 and had a story regarding Tiger Woods. They were talking about the school he built, and seemed pretty cool.

    At the time, I was "thinking like Santa", and became fascinated by these schools. Santa wants to help children, and education seems pretty important. Now, these days Santa schools are places where men pay to learn "how to be Santa" which is complete bullshit. These guys are selling the pageantry of the image, and while I think there is some purpose, we as a society can do better. I want Santa schools to be educational centers, and if given the chance, would make an effort for this to happen.

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