I am a pothead, and only a pothead!

Discussion in 'General' started by DarkestTies, Jul 25, 2009.

  1. I used to argue with people that marijuana was NOT a gateway drug.

    But I don't anymore. It's not that I think it IS, it's that I think it might be.

    So many people who smoke pot do other drugs. Almost all of the people I smoke with have at least one other drug that they do frequently. I'll bet that there are very, very few among us who can say that pot is the only illegal drug they've ever done.

    Me personally, I just smoke pot. I do it everyday and I grow, and yep, that makes me a criminal. But I do not consider myself a druggie. I have no interest in coke, special K, heroin, LSD, beans, or anything else.

    But I've seen those drugs countless times, could've gotten most of them at any time that I wanted. And yes, over the years, I have tried a few. I can still count the times that I did "other" drugs on one hand.

    After all that rambling, finally, my questions. (Yes, I'm high and chatty. Forgive.)

    Sometimes I feel alone in "only" being a pothead. Anybody else? If you strictly do pot, why? Because you don't want to put other chemicals in your body, because you didn't like them, because you're afraid to try, what? And do you see other drugs with any frequency, like I do, or are most of your friends just potheads as well?

    To those of you who do other drugs with any frequency, do you consider marijuana a gateway drug? Did it just make access to other drugs easier? Did it make you less afraid of trying other things?

    (As a sidenote, I do want to say that I'm NOT judging. If "other" drugs are your thing, more power to you.)
  2. Im like you man I just smoke pot. Then again I dont think its a drug, I go by the philosophy that anything grown out of this earth in which we live is an herb, and therefore humans have the right to use it.

    I dont think its a gateway drug, I think many people start out on pot because it is considered a drug, they like the high, and then wish to explore other highs. But I think this only applies to people with tendencies toward that kind of stuff. I have never gotten the urge to try anything else except for natural drugs.

    I would like to try shrooms for the same reason someday, and I soon will smoke hash for the first time. Its a little stretch on the rules, but its a concentrate from weed so it still qualifies I think.
  3. I use to be strictly cannabis.

    I wouldn't say cannabis was a gateway for me, more so my friends were the gateway.
  4. the reason it is a gateway drug is because it is illegal.
    you go and buy marijuana illegally and so you are in an environment where other drugs are usually present. you know people where you can get other illegal drugs that you probably wouldn't know if marijuana was legal. your introduced to other drugs MUCH more often than if marijuana was legal. the only reason it is a gateway drugs is because it is illegal.
  5. i only smoke pot. i have tried mushrooms once and would like to again (responsibly). i havent tried anything else and i dont have interest either.
  6. I smoke hash, I just consider it marijuana. It may be stronger and more concentrated, but nothing was added to it. It's not an altered form, it's a more pure form of the same thing. I didn't even think to mention it in the original post. Hash rocks :)

    Would you have had those friends without cannabis?

    YES, this is exactly how I feel/my theory.

  7. Yeah, maybe not all of them but most of the people I first started smoking with were my original friends. When I ventured out of the friend circle I had I was introduced to other substances. A couple of my friends that I had no clue they smoked ended up supplying me opiates.
  8. Most entheogens are healthier for you because they don't damage your lungs. And then there's the whole mind expanding thing. And yes you can vaporize it or eat it, but it's not like anyone uses those methods exclusively unless they're athletes.

    And to the person who said hash was a stretch....what? It's just cannibinoids in another form, it's like saying that pot brownies are a stretch.
  9. all i do is smoke. it's a great feeling. it took some getting into trouble to figure this out. pills are terrible, the most disgusting thing you could put in your body in my opinion. that's because i did a shitload of them and got in trouble, and felt like shit after i quit. i've seen them turn people into liars and thieves, and just straight up assholes when they're on them. other than that i've robotripped and done coke. tried shrooms but they didn't do shit. robotrippin is awesome, but definitely not something i want to do all the time. i love coke. it's the best high there is in my opinion. but because of money, addiction risk, and fear of a heart attack, i won't do it often. right now if someone offered a line i'd take it no question, but it would be the first in months. weed has almost no side effects. definitely not as bad as heart attacks and addiction. i'd rather do something safe that can get me just as fucked up. i would do every drug out there if it was safer
  10. all i do is smoke the green. i'm very comfortable with the feeling i get from it so i guess that's why i haven't really taken up drinking or other drugs.
  11. ive done alot of drugs

    since weed is illegal, it gave me easy access to all the other drugs out there, and when i was young, i wanted to experiment, so i did

    MOSTLY, i only stick to weed and alcohol, (and shrooms/lsd on occasion, but i dont consider these bad at all, they are very enlightening) maybe an occasional other drug every 6 or so months

    i get offered drugs all the time, and i turn them down all the time
    today i was offered morphine, promethazine, ecstasy and coke
    i turned them all down, b/c i just did a hard drug last night, and i dont want anything else

    i wouldnt consider myself a junkie/druggie at all, but i have tried my fair share of drugs

    to be honest, alot of ppl say they are addicted to such and such, or this and that
    me, im addicted to drugs in general

    i like always having a drug in me, whether it be cigarettes, caffiene(those are the drugs that i use most often, as with most ppl), or something else
  12. I only smoke bud and hash. I would only ever consider maybe doing shrooms, but that's for a time when I think I can handle it.
  13. Buds and Brews man! thats all I need ever.
  14. I'm a pothead at heart, but i'm not above trying other drugs, especially mushrooms of a magical nature:D

    Picking up an 1/8th of cubensis shrooms tonight, it'll be my first non weed/alchohol drug experience, pretty stoked on it actually.
  15. The prohibition and illegalities surrounding cannabis and its use is the gateway.
  16. i mostly only smoke herb but i want to try acid once or twice as well as shrooms. I have robotriped but wont do it again most likely. I also smoked salvia now and then but not often.
  17. i used to be like you..pot only and only organic...but ive realized all that shit is bull...i mean ANY drug will have certain consequences...synthetic or natural it doesnt really matter...i mean there are natural drugs out there that are way more dangerous than man made drugs...i think what it ultimately comes down to for most people is that they are simply too afraid to ty other drugs bc of their own propaganda...MOST drugs are fine if you do them in moderation and treat them with the respect they deserve

    i mean im not a huge druggie or anythinig but i like to experiment as i call it...just like with marijuana there is plenty of propaganda to deter you from doin a certain drug...but honestly most drugs are safe if they are in the correct hands

    but would i call MJ a gateway drug...yes bc if i had never smoked pot i never would have even thought about doin xtc or lsd or even coke (only done that once)...weed eased me into drugs cuz i realized pot isnt bad and all my life ive heard the opposite..so why not the same case with other drugs...

    and im not gonna lie...drugs are fuckin awesome..i never drink anymore bc i found out that drugs are way better...im poor now so if ima spend like 10 bucks on something to fuck me up...its gonna be something really good lol...like xtc or doses just cuz its better bang for your buck lol...drugs are not bad...stupid people with drugs are what is bad
  18. I only smoke pot. I don't even drink (excluding a celebratory glass of champagne here or there). Why do I only smoke weed? I'm a pussy when it comes to alcohol. I had a few terribad hangovers, and I've lost pretty much all interest in drinking. As for other drugs, I have no interest in them what so ever.

    I have a few pill popping friends that I smoke with a lot, so yeah, I'm around pills a lot. Been offered them several times. Just have no interest in them. The majority of my friends who do anything, though, only smoke pot.

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