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Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Daggermouth, Feb 24, 2009.

  1. Well, the girl came up to me during lunch at school today and told me her mom's ear drum popped so she got prescribed "Hydrocodone" to ease the pain. This girl is insanely hot...not sure what that has to do with anything. But she said she grabbed about 4 and they're 50mg each so she would sell me one for $10. She also stated that it "would fuck you up for 3 hours".

    I know very little about hydrocodone and am currently doing research on erowid, but i know it's a pharmaceutical I would eventually be interested in. So I told her I'd buy one from her tomorrow.

    Does this price seem legit? If not I'd probably still buy it, because I'm interested. But still I'm just wondering.

    Also, is there anything else I should know? What does it usually look like (obviously a pill) but what else?

    ANY suggestions or comments are much appreciated. Thanks.
  2. I've never heard of 50mg hydros. My guess is that they are probably 5mg. But i could be wrong. If they are 5mg tho DO NOT buy it for 10.
  3. I may have misheard, this kid was bothering us while we were talking. I just texted her asking how mg is was.

    I'm pretty sure she's just looking for a profit, and selling it for cheaper wouldn't really be worth it. I don't mind helping out a friend.
  4. 5 mg hydro go for 1-3 dollars a piece here, i wouldnt pay 10
  5. I wouldn't pay more than $3 a piece of 10mg hydros.

    If they're 50mg it's probably bullshit, and unless she can show you the bottle or you have a way to check it before you buy it, don't get it.

    Pills are too easy to get ripped off on.
  6. She just sent me this in a text

    "Its a 50 mg hydrocodone. it says Watson 349 on it. you can look it up"

    I'm confused now.
  7. As par as I know there are no 50MG Hyrdos
  8. #8 KeinMitleid, Feb 24, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 24, 2009
    They are all 5mg, shes trying to pull your leg.

    Don't pay $10 for them, 5 will barely catch you a buzz.

    EDIT: They are all 5mg/500mg HC/APAP, except for one which is 5mg/400mg HC/ibuprofen.
  9. For 10 dollars its not worth it for 5mg. Maybe if you would feel something it'd be worth it, but you wont. If your gonna buy one you might aswell by 3.
  10. #10 sk3y, Feb 24, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 24, 2009
    I do pills every chance i get man, and thats kinda expinsive for 1 5mg hydrocodone. Normal prices here:

    5mg - $5 (maybe, I usually get them for 2.5$)
    10mg - $10 (maybe, I usually get them for $5)

    Just depends on the hookup honestly.

    1 5mg isnt going to fuck you up for 3 hours. even if you have never done them before, you might feel it for a little bit, but not long enough. I recomend atleast 2, if not 3.

  11. Now she just sent me a text saying 5. Gahhh. I guess your right. ill tell her ill pay 10 for 2 then.

    I dont have many connections, so i dont mind paying a few extra bucks.
  12. ok tell that girl u know for a fact they are 5mg hydrocodone, like 4$ a piece say u want 4 for sunday for 15. take all 4 and nod.

    klonnys in ma body
  13. #13 FreakTard, Feb 24, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 24, 2009
    This is:

    5 mg, not 50. I don't think there is a 50 at all.

    And yeah, $10 is pricey.

    If you have never done an opiate before, 20 mg of this (4) should be enough for you to feel pretty good. I'd rather start out with 30 mg, but that's just me.

    Basically, its up to you if you want to buy and try them, but you may not get everything you want out of them depending on your body size and whatnot. Also, that is way to expensive, but if you want to help your friend out, like you said, then its cool.

    All in all, 20 mg should be a good first timer.
  14. DON'T PAY HER $10 for 2.. You aren't going to even catch a buzz off that shit and you're letting someone rip you off.

    Keep playing her and saying thats too high and she will go down. If not then don't waste your money bro.

    Never let yourself get played or people will make a habit of it.
  15. FUCK. So 10mg wouldn't do much to me would it? How about 15mg, haha. Now she's asking me if I want morphine sulfate too. I'm so confused, and i don't even know what the fuck that is.
  16. If i were you id buy 2 for 10 bucks. Drink a beer with it and you will deffinately be feeling it
  17. 10 mg won't do anything.

    20 may get you there.
  18. Dude, just don't deal with this chick, it's pretty obviousthat shes just trying to make a quick buck.

    And when it comes to morphine, 20-30mg should have you pretty fucked up.
  19. #19 FreakTard, Feb 24, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 24, 2009
    Yeah, it sounds too much like she's obviously trying to rip you off.

    If you do think you'll still buy, make sure you are getting the right thing:


    This is really what I'm used to seeing anyway:


  20. yea hold off on the morphine man... try these hydros... vics are a good way to ease in to opiates. SMOKE WEED really helps and buy 3 for for 12-13
    shit tell her 4 per final offer

    wait a day she doesnt call back tell her ul do 5$... u should def try vics ul have a blast

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