Hydro,Aero Or Soil

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Subnoize_Stoner, Apr 28, 2007.

  1. Whats the best way to grow?
  2. All methods of growing have there good points and draw backs. alot depends on your situation and how much money you have to spend on your set up. Read the experiences of other growers to help you decide. Have fun.
  3. I agree with Hippie, those who grow in bubble buckets say thats the best, those who grow in soil swear by it and those who go floods say thats the easiest/// So its your to choose.....Remember to fit your style with your space.. they all require different amount of height and such....
    Gluck buddy...
  4. Well here's my 2 cent, hydro cost more and takes more monitoring but you get bigger and faster yields and is great for control freaks like me. Soil is cheaper and produce great bud but takes longer and is more forgiving.

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