
Discussion in 'General' started by Agalloch, Oct 25, 2009.

  1. man my stomach feels sour this morning. anyone got any simple hangover cures? Drank some water and some 7 up but still feels sour.
  2. tom yum soup.
  3. Have another drink.

    A true hangover is alcohol withdrawal, to which there is only 1 cure.
  4. Oh yes I have JARS of that on hand... not.

    Would some vegetable juice do the trick?

    Not really, a hangover consists of dehydration and vitamin deficiency. Wish I had a gatorade.
  5. Crackers+honey+a banana+drink lots of water. ;)
  6. ... Water.

    Simplest cure there is.

    Hangover = dehydration.

    Edit; No, a true hangover is not an alcoholic withdrawl.
  7. PEDO BEAR!!!

    haha anyways yea I'm hung over too
    what i do is sleep it off, I wouldnt eat anything because if your stomachs not feeling well you're just going to puke it back out so id stick with water
  8. Drink water at room temperature, not cold ever it'll make you puke, flat gingerale, smoke a joint, and eat a bunch of dry toast.
  9. i too am hungover, however not terribly. i'm drinking water and eating crackers and it seems to be helping.
  10. Meh... water is supposed to be used before the hangover, anyway.

    Few cups can prevent it all together, lol.

    GL with that, though.
  11. eating a bacon, egg, and cheese sammich.
    hope it help.
  12. get in tight with a nurse and they can hook you up to an IV bag of saline. Talked to a few at work who do this after a hard night of partying
  13. smoke a bowl.
    drink water
  14. Room temperature water as some one else has mentioned....
    I believe that a good breakfast is also good, well it use to work for me when i was a heavy drinker. Some good old breakfast sausage, some toast or pancakes, always helps!
    If you want to skip hangovers, have a gallon of water before you pass/black out and chug it! Ive never been hungover when i do this! now if i forget, and wake up and look to my side and see a full water bottle, i start to cry and say curse words

  15. Lemon-Lime Gatorade and some toast w/ jam. I hope the bacon and egg sandwich sits well i usually cant think of a breakfast like that when hungover
  16. Water and bananas.

    Potassium is good.

    It still takes a few hours to work. Go back to sleep after you drink and eat these.
  17. usually what i do is right when i wake up i always drink an entire bottle of water. Then ill smoke some to take the edge off then just wait around sipping on some Gatorade. Another thing i do sometimes is rather than drink gatorade mix half gatorade and half water in a cup and drink that. I cant vouch for the truth in this but at a wrestling camp one time they told us that apparently it speeds up your bodies ability to take the electrolytes from the gatorade...again i dont know if its true but to me its worth trying.

    Next time try taking some pedialyte if you think you mat have had too much to drink, the best way is to either drink it before bed or have some next to your bed ready so if you wake up in the middle of the night you can drink it. Its definitely helped me and some other people i know.
  18. i haven't seen anyone mention smoking. i don't get hangovers often, and when i do they are terrible. smoking a j fixes it every time
  19. I usually dont get hangovers no matter how much I drink,Im lucky i guess.The rare times I do I just drink alot of juice,usually helps some.
  20. I'm right there with you except mine is more withdrawl than hangover. Hadn't drank in a few months then went on a bender starting Friday night. A lot of people have posted good responses, smoking up, eating a good breakfast, water, etc. Only thing that sucks for me is I can't sleep for shit when I drink, or the next couple of days after so sleeping it off isn't an option. I'm doing the 'ol hair of the dog thing as I found a flask I apparently filled up sometime during the weekend, it's just going to suck here in a little while when I run out being as it's Sunday and I can't buy anymore. Alcoholism sucks. Why is this shit legal and weed isn't? I've never gone missing for days at a time when I smoke a damn joint.

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