Humidity dome

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by flapjack2016, May 3, 2016.

  1. Ok so this might be a really dumb question but I forgot how much to open the vents on my humidity dome and when to. They've been sitting for about a day and a half with closed vents. Any replies would be appreciated.

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  2. Oh and a couple are droopy should I possibly cut the bigger leaf on the droopy ones [​IMG]

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  3. I always clip the fans when making clones. after I see roots is when I start to open vents (really I just move the lid over 1/2 inch or so). If they start to wilt, I recover for a little bit until they stand up again, and start over. You have to ween them off slowly. I hope this helps.
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  4. No biggy best to keep the lid of, I prefer to have it on overnight tho!!!

    using the dome less and less as roots develop

    good luck

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