
Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Tenninethousand, Sep 24, 2008.

  1. Does anyone just sometimes sit back and realize how funny and pathetic humans are? I find the seriousness out of humans and such to be hilarious...3/4th's of the US population praises a random Jewish zombie that lived thousands of years ago.

    lmao i love smoking
  2. It really is quite pathetic.
  3. Depends on your outlook, you can focus on the negatives and think about how stupid we are, or focus on the positives and be amzed by all thatwe have accomplished.
  4. It's not so much stupidity, as it is how animalistic we are. We look upon animal as resources, neusances, but truthfully how different are we?
  5. And to think; humanity is the pinnacle of consciousness... as far as we know.
  6. Never underestimate stupid people in large groups.
  7. I think we humans are pathetic. I think we have seriously come to a point in history where we literally are horrible cancer scars to this planet. We kill, we kill, we murder, we wage war, we destroy, we pollute, and all we care about is money. Seriously, the one thing that runs our entire planet is money, and it is really sad if you think about it. The love of power (money) is totally overpowering the power of love. We are a sick race. Which is why I'm looking forward to 2012. Well, who knows if all this shit is gonna go down in 2012 per se, but all I know is that this planet really needs to be purified and rid of this cancer called humanity. I know it sounds really sad, but I'm just mostly sad for the human race in general. I just live my life to the fullest.
  8. Humans would be considered a pest just like a termite by our own standards.
  9. All the time.
  10. Yeah, but damn, do they taste good!
  11. Do I need to prove that all you guys really love humanity?

    I guess so.

    You know you love it.

    See what I mean?

  12. That's quite an extreme generalization there, alicedee. Not all humans are 'bad' like you've convinced yourself to believe. In fact many humans play a positive role in this period of evolution known socially as our 'lives'. You just need to think outside the box, you're not quite there yet.
  13. #13 Yero, Sep 25, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2008
    The words of a man that has lost hope in humanity and became a true cynic. Pray tell, what has led to have such a pessimistic view? Something must have happened for you to damn mankind. A true cynics mind will only see things that further prove what they claim as truth, ignoring all evidence to the contrary. While you are not 100% wrong in your beliefs, they are grossly exaggerated. You must open you mind and heart to the beauty in life, and cease to judge them as right or wrong, and accept them as is.
  14. "you, the younger brother steal from Aluna, you steal from her hear by taking her blood, by mining her body, by killing her children."

    the younger brother is what the Kogi tribe, who are the elder brother, and the protectors of Aluna, earth refer to as the rest of us humans.
  15. Sometimes I hope for the end of the human race. We've fucked up the planet so bad, I think it would be better off without us.
  16. #17 Yero, Sep 25, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2008
    Any of you care to explain in more detail why such pessimism? Because I dont see it. Are you purposely ignoring all that we have accomplished and how far we have come? I know we are not a perfect race, but what would you expect from any animal thrown into a situation of free will. You think if a lion tomorow became sentient he wouldnt be selfish and act without regard for others? You must understand that with all of our limitations as a result of still being tied to the animals, we are not that bad off especially present day. I would say we are the most compassionate now more than ever before, anyone with knowledge in human history care to prove me wrong?

    Your beef should be with nature if you think we are so bad off. Natural selection is extremely unforgiving and unfair. It doesnt care who or what you are, if someone comes along stronger than you, they will succeed, plain and simple. And its this fundamental law that is the reason for all of the "fucked up" things we are doing. Dont hate the player, hate the game.
  17. #18 Androgenicx, Sep 25, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2008
    What have we accomplished? Progress without direction is useless. Has technology ultimately made us more peaceful, happy creatures? Happiness is not the lack of negativity, not the 'im happy' with a half smile of reflective contentment (or often outright false 'image' of contentment), but joyful, gratefulness for existence, pure emotion of unsubjective positivity?

    No, we are possibly alot worse off than we were, alot more troubled, alot more in pain, and alot more in mindless anger. What pray, of any internal value to a human at all times in terms of quality of life experience, have we achieved?

    I feel no negativity however, not anymore. What is, is. Do you feel angry at a madman? No, hes mad, he doesn't have his senses. The state of humanity is similar. But realizing and identifying that the world we live in is downright insane is the first and most critical step towards personal and mass transformation and transcendence of the ridiculous human paradigm. Theres billions of people right now who feel 'sane' in the way the world is today, feel it is 'normal'. It is currently a confused, chaotic bundle of fear and violence, both at the micro level where two new people are usually afraid, to varying degrees, of even speaking to each other, and at the obvious, self evident macro degree of war, especially war in the name of 'peace'.

    Identifying that our current state of consciousness is messed up allows an opening to receive and look for a higher consciousness, as a group.
  18. Yea.... sure we can do all sorts of shit like walk on the moon and talk to someone on the other side of the world. At the same time we are sealing our own fate and suppressing the rest of the living existence as we know it. What a waste, we haven't as a society achieved any higher plain than that of our arrogant science and technology. We haven't evolved, all the shit we make to allow us to be more lazy has evolved to continue our lazy wasteful lifestyles. Fuck humanity we're epic fail.
  19. Yes, so far.

    Youve got what could possibly be just one life to live in this phenomenal universe, you gonna let a world of insanity continue around you and keep sucking you in? Its your life, your world as much, you have a divine RIGHT to live in the most basic, peaceful way without this insanity. Flex that right by showing people the insanity of their ways and the human way in general.

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