Human reptiles

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Buddha_Man, Aug 13, 2011.

  1. I can imagine the OP hunched over a computer searching for videos of dancing monkeys, mumbling to himself "they tell us that we're mammals..they tell us that we came from monkeys...but they were wrong"

    The human genetic code is remarkably similar to that of other primates, whereas it is not nearly as similar to that of birds.

    Behavioral traits like dancing probably don't reveal too much about our evolutionary pathway.
  2. ^ First i never said we didnt come from primates. Second, its more than dancing, i was just telling a true story. The bird seemed to have a flowing rhythm as oposed to the blockiness of apes.
  3. Read up on the anunnaki. People say those were the first alien visitors thousands of years ago. It ties in with the Egyptians and the reptiles. Also humans and reptiles look eerily similar during the early stages of gestation.

    Lol @ theredpill , good one
  4. look up David Icke, he believes in reptilian humanoids/illuminati new world order and such...
  5. So, since these reptile people would need to grow their population otherwise they would die out. I haven't seen any (lately:rolleyes: ) so how do they go around spreading their DNA without the other person knowing that they now have a reptile kid?

    Or do these reptile people act some like vampires and hide out till it's night? Living the immortal dream of power and wealth? :rolleyes::smoking::eek:
  6. lawyers are human reptile's.........they are snakes who live under rocks......... they are steaming heaping piles of human defacation as well. Uh ok yeah.

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