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Huge Assholes at Fred Meyer's...(Rant!)

Discussion in 'General' started by Young Dro, Aug 24, 2007.

  1. So I had to go to fred meyers just now to exchange my non working copy of im walking out these two (less than smart looking, kind of country) guys yell "man video games sure are for pussies" and shit like "man game" pretty much the same couple words iun different orders to make themselves feel more accomplished in their quest for fun at the expense of strangers...well i intially believed my combo of my make 7, UP YOURS shirt and my completely ignoring them would get them to shut the fuck up, but the pussy and video games yells continued...I yelled back saying how proud i was that two idiots were yelling at me...essentially saying that "im really happy you two are yelling at me, because theres one of me and two of you so i really have a great chance to defend myself...fuckers" then i got in my car and backed i drove away i slowed down next to them as they continued to try to insult me and in a stoned excited stupor noticed one of them lighting a im a smoker, and occaisionally even smoke a cig, but the way this guy did it was like look at me im fucking i yelled "so if video games make you a loser, do cigarettes make you COOL, FUCKERS!" Haha i know, ridic, but i couldnt think rationally at the time, i know exactly what i woulda said now...anyways sorry for the rant i had to vent...

    And nothing against smokers, anti video game people, hicks, etc, but these guys were scum and i see far too much of that around here, which is why i attacked them on the things i did...
  2. From the thread title, I was expecting them to be employees, maybe on their 'smoke' break. The thread is about the assholes, and not Fred Meyer, right? I would have titled it something else, like "Met some asshole video game haters while shopping for bioshock".

    I keep hearing about bioshock a lot. Is it something new?
  3. its a sick new fps...and i dunno i kinda have a hatred for freddies anyway so meh. Not that theres anything i can do now...

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