Hr 2306

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by ClarkHemp, Sep 6, 2011.

  1. Now I Know Prop 19 Was A Pretty Good Movement In Cali , Now I Hear " HR 2306 " Is A Bill To Legalize It Everywhere In The U.S.

  2. So this is the marijuana equivalent of the law change that brought about the end of alcohol prohibition? If they passed it for alcohol, surely it could be passed for marijuana?
  3. #3 Phisherman, Sep 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Nah it wont for a long time
  4. #4 221010, Sep 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Would've said the same about Prop19- but that oh so nearly passed.
    I don't know, I'm definitely not hopeful (not that I even live in USA) - but I'm not shutting down all possibility completely.
  5. #5 dom, Sep 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Why does everyone say this? Do people not see all the recent polls in which if they were an actual vote would end with the legalization of marijuana? The majority now is voting pro legalization so I do not see where all these equally well thought out "no it won't happen" posts are coming from. Why would you want to be negative in the first place? What are you Fox news undercover or something? If you guys keep drilling "no" into peoples minds then you are only helping the governments propaganda against marijuana!
    EDIT: This has pretty quickly already gone to committee late in august after starting well in June. Ron Paul is on this and his run for presidency will bring more attention to it and support to move it fast through the legislative branch. I expect that we will not have this bill die any time soon or get stuck along the way. I truly believe that with public pressure and attention it will get a ruling that is more than likely going to be legalization on a federal level. :)
  6. #6 221010, Sep 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016

  7. they dont care, popularity or a subject means nothing, if there lobyest dont like it, they wont votw for it. they did the same thing for health care, when poled the average result was 70% wanted universal healthcare, didnt get it.

    also cannabis has been popular for a while, they gloss over it every time. if they can make money from somene by voteing against it then they will, and thers a lot of money in the current prohibition.
  8. #8 Phisherman, Sep 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Not saying it won't but we're just starting to break the brainwashing
  9. Never give up, I have the link to the bill in my signature, you can sign it and leave a message for your congressman.

  10. It's not even going to get out of committee. Lamar Smith, the head of the committee, says hes not even going to review the bill.
  11. Will not be passed. Absolutely not.
  12. Once there are 50 co-sponsors (there are 435 members in the House of Representatives) then the bill cannot be blocked out of Committee anymore!

    The bill now has 14!! co-sponsors, not just 6. Contact your legislators and keep contacting them! Sometimes they just don't know that these bills exist.

    And contact parents and families groups. Tell them that parents have to decide if they want drug dealers selling marijuana to kids or supermarkets selling marijuana to adults.

    Current sponsors:
    RepPaul, Ron [TX-14] - 6/23/2011
    RepConyers, John, Jr. [MI-14] - 6/23/2011
    RepLee, Barbara [CA-9] - 6/23/2011
    RepPolis, Jared [CO-2] - 6/23/2011
    RepCohen, Steve [TN-9] - 6/23/2011
    RepNorton, Eleanor Holmes [DC] - 7/8/2011
    RepMcDermott, Jim [WA-7] - 7/13/2011
    RepRohrabacher, Dana [CA-46] - 7/13/2011
    RepStark, Fortney Pete [CA-13] - 7/28/2011
    RepRangel, Charles B. [NY-15] - 7/28/2011
    RepNadler, Jerrold [NY-8] - 7/28/2011
    RepHonda, Michael M. [CA-15] - 7/29/2011
    RepGrijalva, Raul M. [AZ-7] - 8/19/2011
  13. I don't think it will pass either, though I pray. Honestly, I think the marijuana prohibition will never officially end. I think what will happen is that LEO will stop enforcing the laws and they'll end up dusty relics in old law books. Trivia for our children. "What!? It's illegal to have sex while....??" You know, those funny laws that make us question the sanity of our forefathers.

    Marijuana could very well stand on its own as a viable currency. People value it more than money. It can be grown from the ground. It is medicine. It is clothing. It is fuel. It is food. It is economy. It cannot be controlled, so to spite us it is illegal.

    We can't have people being distracted from their 40hr/wk work grind! We can't have people giving away our precious dollars to.. to.. get HIGH! It could throw quite monkey wrench into the gears of the the instutionalized slavery most of us refer to as careers! OH NOES!!!

  14. new around here but great post man
  15. Any updates?? Keep us up to date on the membership for sure!
  16. i have to disagree, with the current state of affairs in our country, economic crisis and the steadily falling approval of government agency's and legislature i think we my find them using this as an ace in the hole on several levels. whether it's to save money on the joke called "war on drugs" or the possible tax revenue potential i believe the time is right for this to happen and truly believe it's only a matter of time measured in months easier than years.

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