Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Strifey, May 28, 2009.

  1. Hey guys, I've researched for a few weeks now and I think I'm finally ready to make the next step and build a box for my seedlings. I'm going to grow 1 plant in an aerogarden(free) and build a box for another one just for a learning experiences(You have to crawl before you can walk).

    I went to lowes to purchase some lights which I figured would be the most expensive part and I just got lost. I went in looking for a 150w 2700k HPS light(I figured this would sustain one plant) and was told that I would only be able to get the ballast/fixture at an electric store and that chances are it would be quite pricey. I'm starting to wonder if I should just setup some CFL's for this first time, but I'm worried my yield will be significantly affected.

    I guess I'm just looking for some advice as to which direction to go. Will CFL's be sufficient for a first time grow If I'm dilligent and do everything else correctly? I'm currently growing 60 vegetables plants in a garden so I'm not too concerned with my green thumb, but I'm new to the indoor thing. Also... How much lighting will be needed? I was thinking 150W(6x25W) CFL would be good for a LST grow(due to space confinement).

    Sorry for the essay, but any information is much appreciated! Cheers
  2. That 150w HPS will do you throughout your first grow. You will get nice dense buds from it. I'm not bashing CFLs, they are better than them christmas tree lights. If you are tight for cash, check Ebay for a secondhand hps light kit. Then when you are finished with that grow, you can move up and buy a MH lamp for vegging your next grow (keeping you HPS (or both) for flowering).
  3. Get a MH lamp that is compatible with a HPS ballast, you only need the one ballast.
  4. you can get 150w hps kits pretty cheap.around 70-80 bucks.thats reflector and all.hps beats cfl anyday,the only real reason to use cfl is for stealth reasons,or they really need low heat becouse of a confined space,so if you can afford the hps,go with that.
  5. Truly. This is the reason I'm going with LED panels and CFLs when I grow is because I grow in dressers and growing dwarfs. If I were growing normal size plants in a room, or even a closet, I would *probably* use HPS/MH. The jury's still out on this one for me though. Gonna grow with those "chistmas lights" as John so avidly calls them, and will post my progress when I do so.

    Oh, here's a link to an HPS setup for $85 US. http://www.bestgrowlights.com/site/403863/product/SSI900490. That may work for up to 3 plants, but definitely 2. Good luck!
  6. #6 john, May 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2009
    [quote name='Lord Sativa']Gonna grow with those "chistmas lights" as John so avidly calls themQUOTE]


    Lord Sativa, i wouldn't advise you to grow sativa under LEDs.
    I haven't used them, and wouldn't. For the simple fact, they only grow popcorn buds. The buds may look OK on the plant, but it's a different story when they are dried and cured.
    Most people start off growing with LEDs, but somewhere along the lines they add CFLs. Its the actual CFLs, that out power the LEDs pannels. OK, it makes your garden look pretty:D. LEDs have a long way to come before they are any good for flowering. Now, I like CFL, i've never flowered with them. If you have the right spectrum and keep them close enough to the plants, i'm sure you can harvest a half descent yield.

    EDIT: keep the CFLs close to all the bud sites.
  7. I believe LED's will be the next big thing, but technologically speaking we have a ways to go yet.

    HPS/MH are ideal for plant growth and bud production, but only if you can control all of the "side effects" that come along with them. They generate a lot of heat, and use a lot of electricity. If this is not an issue for you, go for HID lighting with HPS/MH.

    CFL's are great for growing in small spaces, and use a fraction of the electricity. They are widely available, and don't generate much heat. Growth will be slower/take longer and buds won't be as dense (though still will be beautiful). If your grow requires a high level of stealth, they may be a good fit.

    These are my own opinions.
  8. get an HPS, if u dont have the money wait and save up for it. its only 70 bucks for a 150 watt here it will be way more worth it if u get an hps. i tryed my first grow with cfls and my buds were wispy and light and i could see thru them. cfls are ok if u have a million of them on 1 plant. go for an HPS u will be way more happy in the end.

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