It sprouted over 3 weeks ago, and I was wondering if this looks normal/healthy. I know that pictures are shitty, its a camera phone so bare with me. [EDIT] I minimized the watering, and now its starting to look better. Heres some better pics (Pics were taken, right after night cycle) I haven't added any nutes so far or anything else. What should I do next.
your plant is looking somewhat okay. you need to water a little less. it looks to me like you have some overwatering going on. and this isnt bad if you give it a break on watering. let is dry out for a day then dont water as much. i say water everytime the top gets dry. your plant should turn out great! ps. never overnute. i know youre at the point where nuting starts.
looks like its starting to stretch a bit and maybe a little bit overwatering. get some more pics and we will be able to tell more clearly though.
ill have clearer pics today, I skipped watering yesterday because i noticed the over watering, but thanks for the feedback. I was gone for a couple days and had my brother watching it. I came back and it was on it's side. He broke the stem not completely but about 1/2 way, but I put a toothpick in and stabled it, and built up a little soil around the base, and now its sturdy
Yea I am kind of hesitant about even using nutes. Just because of my lack knowledge of ferts, and nutes. Any advice would help. I have been looking online and stuff but any information is good information at this point.
You can start adding nutes if you want since its 3 weeks old. Just make sure to give them 1/4 strength of what it says and do it every other watering. It looks to me like its stretching. What kind of lights do you have? And I would go easy on the waterings, you don't need as much as you think. If your doing it indoors I would put a fan on her now, that will help strengthen her stem.
The plant is actually a little over 4 weeks. Just one CFL right now about 6 hours, then dark 6, then outdoors about 4-6 and then dark. But I will be transplanting it outdoors soon.