Hows it doing?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by ganjasmoker420, Sep 17, 2009.

  1. hey this is my first grow wanted to know what your thoughts were its 17 days old and i think its growing fairly slow its under 24/7 light cycle, room has good temp usually between 76-83 looking to invest in a better light cause i only have a floro bulb over it so your thoughts on my plant? growing slow? healthy looking? btw took it out of the light to take pic

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  2. Looks healthy, it's hard to judge what size it is, but it doesnt look that small for a 17 days from seed plant.
    The first week or 2 from seed seems very slow, but after that, they grow very fast (right condition and pot size ofcourse).
  3. It looks as if it is ready for a transplant, other then that. It's looking great!:hello:

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