How will the world end?

Discussion in 'General' started by Albatros, Jun 1, 2009.

  1. I was just thinking about the end of the world. I think that we're going to run out of water or something like that and the Earth will become one giant desert. How do you think the world will end?
  2. It depends on how you look at it. Earth is said to be destroyed by the sun's expansion as it explodes. In about 25 million years (if I remember correctly) Earth will become so hot that we won't be able to survive (assuming we don't evolve into creatures thriving in ultra-hot conditions.

    As far as the human race goes, I think we will be the tools of our own destruction. It's human nature to challenge nature, so we may just end up doing ourselves in.
  3. or....

  4. two words,

    Total Chaos :eek:
  5. super feminazis will one day eradicate all men and then figure out that they cannot reproduce so will die off inevitably. Them ppl is crazy
  6. I personally believe humans will cause the end of our earth. We will kill off the earth itself if we do not learn to take care of it in time. The other option is through nuclear war and all it take its one maniac leader with a nuke to start it all.

    I hope aliens will be publicly accepted in my lifetime/side note.
  7. well north korea just tested some nukes.... and they hate us....

  8. o no its godzilla!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. #10 Tolkien, Jun 1, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2009
    If you look at the big picture, humans are such a small aspect of the Earth's history. Its a bit presumptuous to assume that we have the capacity to end the Earth. Mother Nature is infinitely more wise than us and will simply start anew if we were to "kill off the earth".

    I believe the Earth will exist, regardless of our fate, until some cataclysmic event occurs that would destroy the planet itself.
  10. Couldn't have been said better.
  11. I think we all know.

  12. comet
    our sun dies
    gamma ray burst
    Artificial Intelligence
    Global Pandemic
    Black Hole
    Global Warming?

    some of these may not end the world, but would definately greatly reduce or even kill off the human race.

    Our extinction is inevitable.

  13. hahahahahahhahahaha
  14. I don't know... There's so many factors working against the human race currently.

    Increasing frequency of diseases. Overpopulation. Pollution. Global Warming. Environmental destruction. Nuclear proliferation.

    I don't know. However the world will end, I'll tell you this.

    It won't be pretty.

    But if we do manage to survive another 2 million years, it has already been scientifically proven that The Sun will supernova and explode in a massive fireball, frying Earth and the rest of the planets in the Solar System. Life in the Milky Way Galaxy will cease to exist as we know it.

    So either way, humanity is fucked. Oh well, we were just a mere speck of dust in the universe anyway.

  15. Well you're certainly a negative Nancy now aren't you :D
  16. no, i just dont avoid the inevitable, and try my hardest to come to grips with the reality.
  17. It fucking sucks for me and other east coasters.
    Greenland ice could fuel severe U.S. sea level rise - Yahoo! News

    Greenland ice could fuel severe U.S. sea level rise

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – New York, Boston and other cities on North America's northeast coast could face a rise in sea level this century that would exceed forecasts for the rest of the planet if Greenland's ice sheet keeps melting as fast as it is now, researchers said on Wednesday.
    Sea levels off the northeast coast of North America could rise by 12 to 20 inches more than other coastal areas if the Greenland glacier-melt continues to accelerate at its present pace, the researchers reported.
    This is because the current rate of ice-melting in Greenland could send so much fresh water into the salty north Atlantic Ocean that it could change the vast ocean circulation pattern sometimes called the conveyor belt. Scientists call this pattern the meridional overturning circulation.
    "If the Greenland melt continues to accelerate, we could see significant impacts this century on the northeast U.S. coast from the resulting sea level rise," said Aixie Hu, lead author of an article on the subject in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.
    "Major northeastern cities are directly in the path of the greatest rise," said Hu, a scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado.
    This is an even bleaker assessment than an earlier study indicated. A March article in the journal Nature Geoscience said warmer water temperatures could shift ocean currents so as to raise sea levels off the U.S. northeast coast by about 8 inches more than the average global sea level rise.
    However, this earlier research did not include the impact of melting Greenland ice, which would speed changes in ocean circulation and send 4 to 12 more inches of water toward northeastern North America, on top of the average global sea level rise.
    That could put residents of New York, Boston and Halifax, Nova Scotia, at risk since these cities and others lie close to sea level now, Hu said in answer to e-mailed questions.
    Not only would coastal residents be at direct risk from flooding but drainage systems would suffer as salty ocean water would move back into river deltas, changing the biological environment, Hu wrote in an e-mail.
    "In a flooding zone, because the higher sea level may impede the function of the drainage system, the future flood may become more severe," he wrote. If cities are prone to subsidence -- where the ground sinks -- higher sea levels would also make that problem worse, according to Hu.
    The ice that covers much of Greenland is melting faster now due to global climate change, raising world sea levels. But sea level does not rise evenly around the globe. Sea level in the North Atlantic is now 28 inches lower than in the North Pacific, because the Atlantic has a dense, compact layer of deep, cold water that the Pacific lacks.
    Greenland's ice-melt rate has increased by 7 percent a year since 1996 but Hu said it is unlikely to continue. Still, he and his co-authors ran computer simulations that included this fast-paced melting, along with more moderate scenarios with ice-melt increasing by 3 percent or 1 percent annually.
    Hu said it was hard to say whether the 7 percent annual increase could go on for the next 50 years but said it was possible since the current rate of increase in climate-warming carbon dioxide is higher than the high end of projections by the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
  18. Lol you could certainly be more optimistic about it though. The end of the world doesn't necessarily mean the end of our existence in my eyes. There's always a nice place called heaven to pass onto :D
  19. end of the world?

    marijuana legalaized!!!! oh noes!!! :rolleyes:


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