How will it take for the smell of weed smoke to go away???

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by chronictoker97, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. Today i smoked a joint and a bunch of bowls in my room, my rents are back on sunday night i had a fan in there with the window open. But when i left it still smelt of weed and it was starting to spread throughout some of the house. I left three windows open. How long will it take untill it doesnt dank???
  2. few hours and you should be fine. no way it'll smell on Sunday :smoking:
  3. If i had one window open would it still dank on sunday or would it be good?
  4. You'll be fine dude, spray air freshener if you're a little paranoid, that always puts my mind at ease when I smoke and I'm worried about the smell.
  5. Candles are your best friend.
  6. Use incense or make a sploof

  7. Incense only if you normally burn it with them around, definitely use a sploof in the future; just a couple dryer sheets stuffed in a toilet paper roll, smoke through a fan facing a window. Holding your tokes longer also means less to exhale :)

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