How to tell when a flowering clone has revegged?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Tommatt, Oct 21, 2010.

  1. I'm guessing new growth and when it starts growing taller? Took a clone from a flowering plant, with a small flower and all, and it recently started new growth and getting taller. It looks like a mini tree now :D Does that mean its in its vegitative state already?
  2. Sounds like it. :)

    Good luck.
  3. #3 Raoul, Oct 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 21, 2010
    What I have seen from taking a clone from a bud..
    1st growth - large single leaves
    2nd growth - multi-lobe leaves with leaves alternate
    3rd growth - mutli-lobe leaves and leaves opposite

    So its basically the opposite of when its going from veg -> bud

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