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How to tell if you smell weed or skunk.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Dottumblrdotcom, Aug 22, 2012.

  1. I really don't know the difference well. I haven't smoked in a couple months too, so I don't really remember the smell that much either. I know a lot of weed smells like a skunk to me, but I'd like to know whether a skunk sprayed something or my neighbors are fellow stoners. All my smokin' buddies live out of my way so I'd like some proper evidence before bringing it up in conversation, I guess. Please help :D
  2. smoke more weed and you will be able to tell the difference
  3. Marijuana has a very distinct smell, mmkay.

  4. Skunk smells more garlicky
  5. Yeah skunk stinks to me, and weed smells amazing. There similar is some ways, but weed is much sweeter and pretty unique
  6. When you smell skunk you be like awww wtf thats skunk...literally
  7. you can tell. they really only smell alike at first. once you really start smelling it its pretty clear whether its one or the other
  8. dude best story EVER. i was hiking with a friend and we went off the trail cause it ended up it was like field trip day or some shit at the park we were at so all these groups kept passing with class full of kids. any ways after we are blazing we realize that where we went downward the path went right above us so we kept seeing groups pass us by right. we were trying to keep it on the DL but 3 times as we were smoking a group of kids passes by and in like three different groups a kid says "i smell skunk" NO FUCKING JOKE. basically around kids they just always think it is a skunk lol
  9. Yeah, I used to be able to tell the difference, but after a week of not smoking weed, I start to forget the smell of weed. In fact, I never really can remember what a weed high feels like :/. I'm not saying I black out or anything; I remember moments stoned as well as I can remember sober moments, I just always forget what the high and smell is like. Oh, and sometimes body odor reminds me of weed lol. I think weed and skunk smells similar, but weed smells good, except one time at a concert (the one time I actually didn't smoke) there was so much weed and cigarette smoke it actually started to smell a little like cat shit by the end of the day. Not that pleasant lol.
  10. Yeah, I feel you, same thing happens to me.

    That's why we must all smoke yet again. :smoke:
  11. Yeah. I just remember that I feel good during and after getting stoned lol.
    It sucks that I haven't for three months though. I now don't have anything to reduce my stress.
  12. - Go for walks outside more often, especially in the rain, it's very purifying
    - Find beauty in nature, look at a skyscape or a landscape as if it is a framed picture in a museum
    - Listen to music, close your eyes, and imagine everything and anything
    - Spend some time enhancing your life. Do something you've never done before, find a weakness that you might want to improve, learn about yourself through strengthening it.
    -Constantly think of what makes you happy in life (even if it's something small). Think about how it makes you feel, embody those feelings, let those feelings embody other instances and recreate what you once thought was a concrete assumption or idea about something, as everything is constantly changing all of the time.

    There are many other things, but I can't think about them now.

    Life has enjoyment, and even if you smoke cannabis daily, you can still find enjoyment in life when you're sober, but only if you practice looking for it and not expect things to only be at their prime whilst stoned.

    Hope this helps.
  13. Well i admit i have never smelled a real skunk before(the animal). But i really don't think the smell of burning marijuana equates to a skunks spray. If it in fact does, then spray me with some skunk please.
  14. weed smells sweet and skunky. If you are high af and you just start smelling some dank you will notice they difference. Anyone in here smell dank while high? It smells sweeter than lavender
  15. I can't remember what burning weed smells like, but just purchased weed usually smells like a skunk to me. I don't sniff my weed though, all I smell is what leaks through my pocket or when I break up my bud.
    Oh, and I can enjoy my life sober. When I have weed, I try to keep it occasional like once a week. During the summer, I smoked every day for about a week and a half. It was pretty nice until I got caught. I usually got high just for plain recreation, but I did quickly find out it helped out with a ton of things, such as being able to see the good in my father. I love nature. When I'm hanging out with my mother, I spend the whole day outside and live it up. Of course, smoking weed in the woods or at a campfire sounds pretty sweet too. I'm off topic again :/
    Whatevs, it's grasscity! We should be laid back here anyways lol.
  16. yeah unburnt dank weed does sometimes smell a bit skunky (but in a good way). but burnt weed does not smell like skunk's piss. Thats what my nose thinks anyway :D

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