How to tell a loved one to fuck off.

Discussion in 'General' started by Im Steezy, Dec 19, 2011.

  1. #1 Im Steezy, Dec 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2011
    One of life's most important and valuable skills is to learn how and when to tell people to fuck off.

    Now, I know you are thinking that is a bit harsh, but please hear me out on this. It isn't just the church that wants to dictate the narrative of your all-too-short life. There are quacks, sharks, cons, and things much too awful to even mention by name, all of them want something from you: Your money, your time, your soul, your body, your loyalty, your dreams, your identity, and so on.

    These are the ones that you need to look out for. They all want a soft, malleable target, and if you can't tell them to fuck off, then they will own your ass. Be a hard target, and you don't even have to say a word, they'll read it on your face, the way you carry yourself, they will see it in your eyes, that you know this is a game they like to play, and you won't play it with them.

    Look at yourself in the mirror, and then close your eyes. Think hard and fast about all of the manipulation, betrayal, anger, that you feel when facing all of the parasitic social interactions you have. Think of every telemarketer, preacher, and moocher in your life. Silently tell all of them one by one to fuck off. Say it louder and louder in your mind until you worry that someone might actually hear your inner-voice. Now... Open your eyes and take a good look at yourself. That first moment, when you were looking back, did you see someone telling you to fuck off?

    Practice this until you get it right. People need to know you are serious. Family is harder because they get past the natural bubble you keep in reserves for elevator rides and bad dates. If you work hard at this technique, suddenly those difficult family members will become your helpful sparing partners. After you can tell an elderly member of your family to fuck off (all without saying a word out-loud), you'll have a zen unimaginable to your present day self.

    Watch a Clint Eastwood movie, and notice how little the guy talks, how slow and calm every word comes out. That should be you. Talk low, talk slow, and then shut the fuck up. Your look should say your "fuck off" for you, and your silence should be a powerful counter argument to their bullshit.
    Now, go watch a James Bond film. Not this new shit. I'm talking about the old shit. I'm talking about Sean Fucking Connery. What you need to do is pay attention to how that man talks. Now, without the Scottish accent, try to say "I love you", the way he does. This is important to seal the "fuck off" with.
    So imagine you are back in the same situation as before:
    Mom comes in and wakes me up and tells me I need to go to the ward Christmas party.

    I look her in the eyes, and slowly state: "I'm not going to that, I have nothing presentable to wear, and I'm too tired for all of those kids running around."
    She tells me that it's a family activity and I need to go...
    I just keep eye contact, pitching my head slightly as if to say "fuck off", or maybe just inviting her to state her case further...
    "What's wrong? Why doesn't she want to go. 089786, WHY DON'T YOU WANT TO GO?"
    Still, I say nothing I just look at her as though she just demanded we all join the circus. My lips are sealed, but my eyes say "fuck off".
    "Really?" I say, my lips then seal space and time around them, matter turns to cold singularity as my eyes stare into the void... Fuck off
    "You're so selfish. You think everything revolves around you. You're so hypocritical, you say you're OPEN TO DISCUSSING THINGS, but you WON'T EVEN TELL ME WHY YOU DON'T WANT TO GO. You're a selfish brat."
    ...Fuck off
    "Why don't you want to spend time with us? Christmas isn't just about YOU. It doesn't revolve around YOU."
    "I know", you say, serine as a field of beautiful and exotic flowers "but I hope you know that I love you."

    The other person might get pretty agitated, but will eventually feel too embarrassed to push further. Once they go on the attack, you assert firmly and with confidence that you know how upset they are, and you tell them that you love them. That is how you win. You don't even acknowledge the argument. It is below you. You love them, and you don't want them to be upset, but you can't possibly consent to something so outlandish and stupid. You can't even imagine yourself doing something so silly. You pity them for wanting it. You love them, you pity them, but there is no way you are going to do that thing that they are asking you for.

  2. TL;DR

    just say "fuck off"
  3. "Dear loved one, fuck off."
  4. are you sure you didnt write that?

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