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How to substitute at Labcorp

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by yaboy009, Jul 23, 2019.

  1. Hi everyone,

    First time post but long time reader. I’m doing this because I saw a lot of misinformation when I was searching how to substitute for a drug test at Labcorp.

    I was freaking out of course over this and it seemed like a lot of threads contradicted each other on what is the best way to substitute at Labcorp. Almost everyone I read said that you needed to heat up the pee in a microwave or with hand warmers. If you have a long time between getting the clean pee and the drug test I could understand this. But that is the only time.

    I ran a mock trial prior to my drug test and with a small 4oz container tucked under my nuts wearing compression shorts and loose fitting jeans, temperature held constantly at 94 degrees. Labcorp only cares if temp is within 90-100 degrees. The day of the test, I had my girlfriend pee in a cup then poured it into the small container. I immediately put it under my compression shorts and drove straight to Labcorp (5 min away). Got there with 20 minutes till closing so I figured they wouldn’t make me wait long. I was called back within 5 minutes, took everything out of my pockets and was given the cup. I went into the bathroom alone and closed the door. Poured clean urine into the cup and dumped the rest in the toilet. Main thing is to not wait long after you take the clean urine out of body contact. Temperature will start dropping.

    I walked out handed my cup to the worker and had to sign some paperwork. She looked at the cup and didn’t say anything which freaked me out. She then told me to keep my last copy of paperwork and that I was good to go. My paperwork has yes next to temp in range so I know I was good. All the worrying and freaking out for nothing. I would definitely recommend using body temp to keep the clean pee warm if your test is within an hour or so of collecting the clean pee. Main thing is practice. The more you practice the more comfortable you’ll be when doing the real thing. Act natural and make sure they can’t see or hear what you’re hiding. I’ve heard of people getting caught because they can hear the substitute pee sloshing around.

    Best of luck to everyone out there!!
  2. Why would her saying nothing freak you out? I mean what is she supposed to say?......maybe something like....oh gee thank your for being the 3000th person to hand me bodily fluids this year. I give urine tests at work, I rarely have much to say and I give no where near the amount of tests a lab does. It's not like she has a glamorous job. She handles piss for a living
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Thank you for the response!! Really love how you’re moving this conversation in a positive way!!!
  4. It's just a question in Hope's of getting you to realize it was nothing to freak out over. She's just waiting for 5 o'clock so she can go home
  5. Monkey whizz at planet k

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