How to start things up?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by TheINDBoss, Jun 25, 2012.

  1. Hey blades,

    Little background info is that theres a girl who I used to be pretty into but never really made a move (I'm on the shy side with girls) back in senior year of high school. I'm now in Junior year of college (we go to the same school too) and through some mutual friends I found out she was into me too back in highschool. Stupid of me not hanging out with her or anything but oh well.

    I still run into her in town from time to time and we can still vibe pretty well. And I'm pretty sure shes single now. Shes always been real cool and I would definitely date her. I have her number and am friends with her on facebook but I don't really know how to go about starting to talk to her again. Should I just text her and see whats up? Just lookin for some general advice since I kinda suck with girls and haven't really been in any relationships.
  2. just text or PRIVATE fb message her that she's been on your mind. something like:
    hey _____. I know we havent spoken in a while but youve been on my mind lately. so what's new with you?

    or if she is on fb chat, just tell her long time no see and the convo will go from there.

    basically just rekindle the friendship, meet up with her, make a move. you already know she likes you so you're good
  3. Yeah not too sure if she's still in to me but the fact that she was before probably will help me out a little bit haha.

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