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How to shake the withdrawal

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by BigGuru, Sep 9, 2012.

  1. im not tryin to give em a hard time granny jus tryin to make my point
  2. Sucks but its all in your head you dont need weed and will not have real withdrawls from you may crave it but thats a different story.When I cant optain anything though I usuall just get wasted.Its not a hard drug dude your not going to suffer without having it try just relaxing.
  3. Facepalm

    Attached Files:

  4. [quote name='"Katherinejjm"']its weed dude not crack. chill tf out


    stealing the same exact words from my post . how original lol
  5. Withdrawals from weed? It's people like you is the reason weed is illegal.... I've smoke everyday for over a year, been smoking for 5, and have to stop. 2 weeks in and no withdrawls....

  6. I would tell you to drop some acid or munch on some boomers then, that will get your head strait. Or shit even blast off!
  7. [quote name='"NeverMistakeMe"']

    The point is that he needs the medication so chill out, because people depend on it.[/quote]

    people shouldnt have to depend on it , thats no different then being addicted imo . and its not good to get so addicted to something that you start facing "withdrawls" while your off of it. the op shouldnt smoke weed at all if thats the case.
  8. how can you tell if its withdrawals and not just anxiety or something?
  9. Get a girlfriend. That's what I did. I have to quit because I need a second job. Drink lots of water, chew gum. Find a new habbit. I'm going on my 4th day and I'm feeling it too, but my girlfriend keeps me occupied if you get my drift ;)
  10. Suck some dudes off like the guy in Half Baked
  11. Weed withdrawal?:laughing: You sure you're old enough to be on this site legitimately? Suck it up and take a jog, work out or do something physically engaging. Maybe do some school work or do something mentally engaging as well.

    If you're unhappy with my and others previous suggestions and would just like to sleep, Marley's mellow mood. >$3 can't go wrong.
  12. Withdrawal lol
    Going without bud can be tough but its all in your mind, you don't physically need it just chill and have a beer
  13. #53 clonedkewe, Sep 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2012
    There is no such thing as a physical withdrawal from weed and what your experiencing is psychological. You are probably experiencing anxiety and thinking about it a lot. The best thing is to find something to do that requires concentration and distract yourself from negative thinking. Another thing to seriously consider, is asking for help and only the strong have the willpower to do so.
    If your using weed medicinally, then its different and it's the thought. Of not being able to relieve the symptoms that is causing the anxiety. The most important thing to do is get help immediately. As doing nothing will compound the problem and make recovery time longer
  14. If you have withdrawal from weed you're doing it wrong.
  15. hahaha lol its just weed....

    Op should never EVER try another drug besides weed or i see a tough life for him...
  16. I couldnt help but coming back even tho I know its not helping me quit.

    and *facepalm*

    I agree I was being a pussy, Im doin much better now that its gettin out of my system, I just needed an outlet and thought this community would be supportive. I understand there are alot of trolls so theres a natural predisposition to topics like this but SHIT PEOPLE

    And I basically agree with what everyones saying, but no need to say it with a negative attitude with it. Sorry I was a pussy...

    And I couldnt possibly comment on everyones post but this one I have to:
    You are SO RIGHT! The federal government has actually contacted me directly and asked my opinion on weed. I told them I smoke it daily but I had to quit and I felt bad afterwards so they said THATS IT WEED IS ILLEGAL AND SHALL REMAIN SO FOR FOREVERRRRRRR lolol
  17. [quote name='"BigGuru"']I couldnt help but coming back even tho I know its not helping me quit.

    and *facepalm*

    I agree I was being a pussy, Im doin much better now that its gettin out of my system, I just needed an outlet and thought this community would be supportive. I understand there are alot of trolls so theres a natural predisposition to topics like this but SHIT PEOPLE

    And I basically agree with what everyones saying, but no need to say it with a negative attitude with it. Sorry I was a pussy...

    And I couldnt possibly comment on everyones post but this one I have to:

    You are SO RIGHT! The federal government has actually contacted me directly and asked my opinion on weed. I told them I smoke it daily but I had to quit and I felt bad afterwards so they said THATS IT WEED IS ILLEGAL AND SHALL REMAIN SO FOR FOREVERRRRRRR lolol[/quote]

    glad to hear your doing much better man i know i probavly came off like a D bag lmao . but stay strong bro :cool:
  18. why are you having withdrawals from a plant that is non addictive
  19. Sleeps non addictive, you should try to give up sleep and see how you feel
  20. we need sleep....not weed.....eitherway ..this my second day of not smoking..and i feel fine. i smoke everyday and the only thing i notice is i get irritated faster. -_- in the shitty most chill mood right now..

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