How to roll the perfect cone joint *pics inside*

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by 70s, May 31, 2009.

  1. what up gc? im bored as hell and decided to make a nice little joint rolling tutorial on how i like to roll my j birds:smoke:

    step 1(pic 1)- get some herb, papers, and a filter( cut a small strip from an index car, works great!:D)

    step 2(pic 2)- i like to bend the end of the filter into a nice z formation so when you smoking, no bud rolls out the filter.

    step 3(pic 3)- once you made the z formation at the end, roll up the filter and make sure its nice and tight.

    step 4(pic 4)-spread your dank along your paper with the filter at the end.

    step 5(pic 5)- when you start roll tuck the end of the paper into the filter and start to roll up. when rolling just roll it so the bud forms a slant(starting at the filter small, and more bud towards end of the joint) this will form the cone shaped appearance.

    step 6(pic 6)- lick the gums and finish the roll.

    step 7(pic 7)- your joint should look like a cone formation at this point and some bud might be stuffing out the end depending on how tight you roll it.

    step 8(pic 8)-so just pack it by tapping it or just stuff it back in!

    step 9(pic 9)- twist the end so no bud will fall out

    pic 10- your final result! now lets smoke a jay and get hi:smoke::smoke:

    Attached Files:

  2. This is a good guide + rep :hello:
  3. yeah i smoked his joints with him . . very good !
  4. I dunno dude, make the bottom a little thinner and the whole thing a little longer. ;)

    Good guide man.

  5. yeah i have extra long papers if thats what you mean. but those are for the fat ass splifs:smoke:. there is only .6 of bud in this joint. perfect joint if you smokin it to your dome though. does great!
  6. step 5(pic 5)- when you start roll tuck the end of the paper into the filter and start to roll up. when rolling just roll it so the bud forms a slant(starting at the filter small, and more bud towards end of the joint) this will form the cone shaped appearance.

    That is great advice. I sometimes have problems doing this when i roll a joint after smoking one :p The end where the mouth piece is doesn't 'fit' very nicely. Awesome post :hello:
  7. Ive done it a different way before for huge spliffs, it takes a while longer but you get a perfect spliff every time.

    I take an index card get it wet and for the shape of a spliff then put the crutch at the end of a large rolling paper and put the index card touching the crutch, roll the paper around the card with the wax not touching the card, pull it off, fill it with whatever you want and your all good, ive rolled a spliff with 3 g and a cigarette with this method and it worked perfect.

    I can hand roll joints and blunts fine, but for spliff i prefer this method because its perfect every time
  8. Haha it's strange, ive always done this since i started rolling, I've never actually been able to roll a straight joint, but that doesnt bother me, cone's look cooler anyway.
    Anyway nice guide +rep.
  9. mines better
  10. Backrolling with longer crutches makes a more aesthetically looking and better smoke. Back rolling uses less paper (less non chron to inhale) as well as slows the cherry and a longer crutch makes a smoother roll.
  11. I roll the same J's. I've been thinking about making a video on this kind of rolling since I think it's easier to watch than read. But decent write-up; seems to be helping others :)
  12. nice joint. check out my thread - 7 joints....

  13. nice man..

    anyway thanks for all the replys. glad im helping out some blades:wave::smoking:
  14. here is that same j in use...:smoke:

    Attached Files:

  15. nice J and mac man...i have one of the two sitting in my lap right now
  16. do yah think its the same when rollin a blunt to roll a cone ?

  17. you could definitely roll a fat ass cone blunt wrap. im not quite sure about a dutch though...
  18. yea a dutch would be another story, but with a bluntville it probably is possible, and good whole gram does the trick every time.
    sleep the night through, and then wake and bake!!!
    i love wake and bakes
  19. great guide!!

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